On Friday 19 November 2010 3:56:11 pm Seumas Soltysik wrote:
> I noticed in the CXF project pom, there are 2 different configurations from
> the maven compiler plugin. One which targets the eclipse environment has a
> source/target of 1.6 while the other uses a slightly different plugin
> version and targets 1.5. I would think that with the end of life of
> JDK1.5, the CXF 2.3 build would target 1.6.

CXF is used widely in a bunch of other applications that still target Java5.  
Thus, making CXF Java6 only at this point may be pre-mature.

For 2.4, we MAY drop support for Java 5, but it's not a topic we've really 
approached yet.    To me, it kind of depends on what's the cost to us of 
supporting Java5 in addition to Java6.   For the most part, the only thing we 
keep running into is the @Override on interface defined methods.   If there 
isn't much "cost" to keep supporting Java5, then why not?   If there was 
something in Java6 that we really wanted to use that we cannot do with Java5, 
that would be something else entirely.

Daniel Kulp

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