On Monday 29 November 2010 7:16:25 pm Christian Schneider wrote:
> One thing I found is the spring DispatcherServlet:
> http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.5.x/api/org/springframework/we
> b/servlet/DispatcherServlet.html
> Could we simply use this servlet to route requests to our services and
> have no own servlet at all? Spring uses this for their own remoting
> protocols.

We COULD, yes.  But we would still need to provide a Servlet or similar for 
all the people that don't use Spring.    Thus, it doesn't change much.   :-)


> Best regards
> Christian
> Am 30.11.2010 01:10, schrieb Christian Schneider:
> > I am currently trying to dig deeper into the http transport.
> > 
> > One part of the code that I really don´t like is the CXFServlet. If I
> > understand correctly it is being used when you want to have a servlet
> > transport together with a spring application context.
> > In the documentation
> > (http://cxf.apache.org/docs/servlet-transport.html) there are two ways
> > to use it:
> > 
> > You can either use ContextLoaderListener from spring or let it pull up
> > a new context.
> > 
> > I don´t know if it is only because of the second option but there is
> > some really ugly code in there to find or pull up an application
> > context and work directly with it.
> > So my point is that we should let spring do this. Can´t we just let
> > spring inject whatever we need?
> > 
> > Best regards
> > 
> > Christian

Daniel Kulp

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