I'm counting 11 committer +1s: myself, Willem, Jeff, Freeman, Christian, Sergey, Tomasz (your Polish last name probably came in handy for you here, Dennis :), Dan K, Alessio, Jim and Benson. And no other votes.

So the vote passes.  Welcome aboard, Dennis!

Dan, please give CXF commit privileges to Dennis (dsosnoski at apache dot org).


On 2/16/2011 12:53 AM, Glen Mazza wrote:
Hello Team,

Here's a vote to make Dennis Sosnoski a committer on the CXF project.
Of course we all know Dennis from his extensive IBM developerWorks
articles[1] on web services, which has allowed him to provide many
substantive responses[2] to user list questions.  He's also reported,
and increasingly, provided bug patches[3], particularly in necessary
areas such as WS-RM where we don't have many experts/enthusiasts.

He is already an Axis2 committer but with the inactivity of that project
along with his increased footprint here on CXF (as well as the ongoing
efforts to put his JiBX in CXF) I think it would be cool to bring him
officially on the team.  As you can see from his JIRA activity stream[3]
his Apache contributions have been almost exclusively with CXF for the
past 13 months or so.

Here is my +1.  As always the vote will be held for 72 hours.


[1] http://tinyurl.com/4h2vp8y

[3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=dsosnoski

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