
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Ryan Zoerner <ryanzoer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sergey,
> Yesterday, when we chatted, I had just downloaded Chatzilla and did not
> have
> the logging feature set to be on. Then, when I closed the application, I
> realized that I had just erased the conversation if the program didn't
> automatically save it, which it does not.
> Do you happen to have a copy of that conversation in your irc log files
> that
> you could email to me?
> Usually, #cxf has a SoperaLog agent active and it keeps the logs, but we
had a private chat, so it didn't save it.

> Consequently, I don't remember what you said, pertaining to specific tasks
> I
> should do, other than that I should focus on invokers.
I thought we agreed that at the initial stage it would make sense to see how
CXF JAX-RS is implemented. It basically has 3 key components:
1.JAXRSInInterceptor - given a current URI, it locates a root resource and
then a resource method and then converts various parts of the HTTP request
into individual parameter objects, using JAX-RS MessageBodyReaders (for
payloads) and a conversion algorithm for path/query/header parameters - this
latter code has to be moved to another interceptor at some stage
2. JAXRSInvoker - it invokes on the selected root resource object and if the
invoked method is a subresource locator then it will use the response as a
subresource locator and will repeat the process
3. JAXRSOutInterceptor - its main responsibility is to set the response
code, headers and write the response object to the output stream using one
of the JAX-RS MessageBodyWriters

> Also, I'm going to have a hard time deploying this EJB3 container on
> Glassfish without more specific instructions about what and how to deploy (
> what -- which files; how -- how am I supposed to build it? )
> Which EJB3 container/impl you are referring to ? EasyBeans ?

At this stage please concentrate on catching up with JAX-RS - check the
docs, debug the code, setup a simple demo (see the basic one in
distribution/.../samples/jax_rs). Once you up to speed, we can start working
on building the basic JAX-RS EJB invoker

Thanks, Sergey

> Ryan

Sergey Beryozkin

Application Integration Division of Talend <http://www.talend.com>

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