
Please see comments inline

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 6:35 PM, Ryan Zoerner <ryanzoer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Team,
> I've assembled a small list of questions which I don't have answers to yet.
> It is probable that some or all of you have encountered these questions
> in the process of working on this project. Therefore, if you have a quick
> answer, that would be helpful.
> Thank you.
> Ryan
> eclipse setup questions:
> I set cxf-systests-jaxrs up as a faceted Java Web Project in Eclipse, but
> because I tried it in several different ways, I am wondering: is there some
> preferred way to the projects up in eclipse? (e.g., Java, Dynamic Web, etc.
> )
> ------
> src/
>    test.java
>    test.resources
> eclipse cannot resolve import="org.apache.(...)
> how do I set file-folder-structure up so that I have
> src.test.java/
> and
> src.test.resources/
> as src folders on the build path. Eclipse won't let me touch those
> subfolders from configure buildpath (wizard?). What I would like to do is
> add src "folders" which contain those multiple folders in one src folder
> path.
> Junit and Eclipse
> I've never used Junit before, but I understand that it is a convenience
> library and reporting system. I see the Junit commands such as assert(),
> but I am unsure about how to make use of this in Eclipse. Because there
> is no main() method, how are the tests run? Is there some central file
> that calls these? Is that file part of Eclipse or the project?
I always use a very simple procedure for building my eclipse workspace:
1. Checkout the source from the trunk using svn or git
2. Run 'mvn install -Pfastinstall' in the trunk
3. Run 'mvn -Psetup.eclipse' - this will create a 'workspace' folder in
4. Start Eclipse, open a trunk/../workspace, import all the existing
projects from the trunk (File/Import/Existing Projects into workspace),
cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs and systests/jaxrs are the two main modules, but they
have main or test dependencies on many other CXF modules....
5. Go to say systests/jaxrs/.../JAXRSClientServerBookTest, add a true flag
(as a 2nd param) to the launchServer(BookServer.class), add breakpoint is
JAXRSInInterceptor.handleMessage,  JAXRSOutInterceptor.handleMessage, and in
JAXRSInvoker, and select any of the tests and choose Debug it as a JUnit
test option...

> Server Deployment
> I have a Glassfishv3 server installed and setup in Eclipse, but I don't
> see any infrastructure for deploying web-archives (with the project).
> So, basically, do you deploy this to the server to test parts of it,
> and if so, is there some sort of test-container that you are using
> to encapsulate the parts that you want to test?
I don't usually use this option. For now, running the system tests is the
simplest option to see what is going on. I'll also have understand how EJBs
can be deployed/debugged, lets chat about it at the next stage

> File Search:
> I'm having problems searching for strings in files because of what I think
> are special characters in the files. This is the ouput:
> Problems encountered during text search.
> File 'cxf-systests-jaxrs/target/site/pmd.html' has been skipped, problem
> while reading: ('${outputEncoding}').
> ${outputEncoding}
> Now, is there any way to use file search so that I can get around this
> problem. I know about regexp for instance, but if there is some default
> answer I would like to know.
Try setting up the workspace as suggested above, I've never seen this

thanks, Sergey

> -------------------------
> Again, thanks for your help.

Sergey Beryozkin

Application Integration Division of Talend <http://www.talend.com>

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