On Monday, June 06, 2011 8:40:42 AM Werner Guttmann wrote:
> Hi,
> http://cxf.apache.org/getting-involved.html seems to indicate that
> support for Castor as data binder still is being looked for. Is this
> actually correct ?

Yep.   We haven't had anybody to start it.

> If yes, I am more than willing to look into this with a little help from
> somebody educated enough on the CXF side. As far as Castor is concerned,
> I guess being Castor committer should make things substantially easier
> on this side of the equation.

It sometimes can.   With XMLBeans and SDO, we didn't need a committer as the 
API's that were needed were already pretty much acceptable.  For JIBX, having 
Dennis implement things as issues were discovered was a big help.   It really 
depends on the maturity level of the API's and how/if those API's took ideas 
around embed ability into account. 

> Any answer appreciated ....

If you want to tackle it, definitely look at the JIBX and/or xmlbeans 
databindings.  Those two are the simplest.    They both have a decent 
separation between the runtime parts and the "tools" part (for wsdl2java 

Daniel Kulp
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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