Hi Ryan

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Ryan Zoerner <ryanzoer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sergey,
> I might be able to prove you wrong about which annotations are scanned from
> the class for the cri? I had evidence to the contrary.
The fact you have seen EJB-related annotations being associated with a
given CRI instance in debugger simply confirms the fact JVM retains
them. But the sole responsibility of CRI is to model a JAX-RS root
resource or subresource. It can not deal with with how a given
resource is provided (via EJB, or something else)

> Also, it might be just fine to return the factory, as in this
> resourceProvider here:
> http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~zoerner/downloads/dev/samples/EJB/EJBResourceProvider.java
> because the factory seems to have a localMethodCall class, which gives the
> bean instance to the java.lang.reflect.Method.Invoke(..) method,
> along with method params. How it knows which method, I couldn't see just
> yet.
> If that is the case, then I know how to change the rough draft of the
> EJBInvoker to allow for this other method of invocation.

One thing I'd like to mention is that you are persevering and no doubt
you are very good
in trying to stick to fixing a difficult issue. This fact does deserve
the recognition. I'm sure Dan, others, do notice it. I do.

But I'm afraid we are just not understanding each other :-). It may
well point out to the fact I haven't been a good mentor for you. It's
a difficult task but I don't  know about much about EJB or all the
details of how CXF (JAX-WS) has been integrated with a given
container.  In cases like this, when I no idea of how to proceed :-),
I'd try to understand how a similar effort has been achieved/done and
then proceed from there. This has been my advice but you believe you
can avoid doing in and scrape some code there and here and build a
functional RP - but what is next ?

How are we going to confirm it's working in say EasyBeans ? As I said
if one is comfortable with the way a given container works, 'breathes'
EJB, then may be there's  no need to understand how CXF JAX-WS has
been integrated.  It definitely does not apply to me though and thus I
can't give you any useful advice on how to proceed...

Thanks, Sergey

> Thanks,
> Ryan

Sergey Beryozkin

Application Integration Division of Talend

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