On Wednesday, October 05, 2011 5:22:01 PM Guillaume Nodet wrote:
> I've started to re-architect the WS-Notification implementation to get rid
> of JBI and be pure JAX-WS based.
> The results are available at https://github.com/gnodet/wsn .
> I think there was a consensus to move the code base to CXF, but I just want
> to make sure everyone agree.

I definitely agree.  :-)   Very excited about that prospect.  :-)

How close to ready is it?   Is it something that we can get into CXF shortly 
for inclusion with CXF 2.5? 

> Also, I'd like to keep the implementation lightweight and keep it pure JAXWS
> based if possible.

I'm quite a bit less excited about this.   I would say pure jaxws + cxf-
common-utilities is fine as it should likely use the CXF logging stuff, CXF 
XML utilities (DOMUtils, etc...), etc...  duplicating stuff from common to 
just avoid a dep is silly to me.


> On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 10:20, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Just want to start a discussion on WS-Notification because I've had a
> > chat last week with a ServiceMix user about that.
> > 
> > That component is not heavily used, but we always have a few users
> > reporting bugs and such.   This component is really the only one which
> > is no replacement in Camel.   Given WS-Notification is really just an
> > implementation of a WSDL, I wonder if it would be easier to simply port
> > it to a pure CXF web service so that it would not be tied to JBI
> > anymore, and would also solve a bunch of problems related to the
> > behavior of
> > WS-Addressing inside the JBI bus (which is not really what users expect
> > when using WS-Notification).
> > 
> > So I'd like to gauge the interest in re-architecting this component to
> > make it more easily consumable without JBI / NMR, just as a JAX-WS web
> > service (if possible even with no ties to CXF).    We could then maybe
> > plan a few enhancements such as the use of non simple topics
> > definitions and such.
> > 
> > --
> > ------------------------
> > Guillaume Nodet
> > ------------------------
> > Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
> > ------------------------
> > Open Source SOA
> > http://fusesource.com
Daniel Kulp
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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