Hi All,

Dan, myself and David talked about the possibility of releasing DOSGi RI 1.3 based on Apache CXF.

There are few reasons why we thought it was a good idea to pursue it.

We are seeing a number of users periodically asking DOSGI-related questions and it's been unfortunate that some basic bugs have stopped users from experimenting with DOSGi and proceeding with the POC deployments and such though we believe a number of users have actually successfully deployed DOSGI RI in their projects without major problems or by fixing bugs locally and submitting patched back to the DOSGi RI project.

So helping the community with fixing as many bugs as realistically possible in the short term and releasing DOSGi RI 1.3 is important.

DOSGi RI has CXF JAX-WS and JAX-RS frontends operating on the OSGI Service registrations and look-ups and hence we hope that it can open up more interesting options for users to deploy web services in OSGi and therefore stress CXF from a different direction.

I've spent few days on closing the JIRAs reported against DOSGi 1.1 and 1.2 due to DOSGI 1.3-SNAPSHOT has had its dependencies changed a lot (thanks to a major patch from Ancoron Luciferis), with CXF 2.5.1 supporting it now. I've also resolved a lot of JIRAs containing patches or hints on some basic modifications needed to get the issues fixed.

Two modules have been removed, a zookeeper bundle wrapper and the local OSGI RemoteAdminService code which is now available in Central.

Here is a complete list:

Here is the list of outstanding issues:


IMHO we are nearly good to go with the 1.3 release. What I'd like to do is to ask users who are interested in working or experimenting with DOSGi to give 1.3-SNAPSHOT a test on the latest Felix or Equinox distributions as well as check the list of outstanding issues and may be submit a couple of more patches.

Personally I'd get a pint to anyone who will figure out how to fix
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DOSGI-18 :-) (that works in a single bundle case), though in case of JAX-RS the consumers can be the browsers.

also seems important enough, though HttpService can be used just fine with multi-bundle distros.

So please give it a test, consider fixing a couple of more issues and we will be ready to proceed with the release early next year

Thanks, Sergey
Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

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