Hi Dan

On 24/01/12 22:19, Daniel Kulp wrote:

I just committed some changes that change the features.xml on trunk to use the
modularized bundles instead of the big bundle.   It's definitely not complete
yet, but consider it a starting point to attempt some testing.    :-)

Right now, I know I have a few issue to resolve:

1) API loading CXFBusFactory - the call to BusFactory.getDefaultBus or
createBus or anything requires API to load a class from rt-core.   I'm
currently using a dynamic import for this, but that sucks.   I need to add an
activator to API to find the implementations.  This really just affects people
using pure API applications or JAX-WS API applications (like wsn).   Folks
using SpringDM or Blueprint aren't affected by this.

2) Applications that use "Require-Bundle" for the old bundle.   I create a
"compatbilitiy" bundle of the same name that re-exports stuff from
core/api/http that works for a couple of Talend's test cases.   I definitely
need to flush this out more.   HOWEVER, applications that import more than
just META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml will have issues as that's the only thing we can
really export.   That said, ALL the other cxf/cxf-extendion-*.xml files have
been deprecated for 2 releases and have spit warnings out in the logs.
People should have removed them already.

I'd probably want a similar one for cxf-jaxrs to give the users which rely on Require-Bundle a chance to keep the changes to the minimum or avoid them for a bit of time :-)
+1 to dropping cxf-minimal from 2.6.0 though

3) In a couple of my tests, I'm getting warnings in logs about schemas not
being available.   With the big bundle, we have all the schemas in /schemas so
we can easily pull them in for resolving things like ws-addressing and such.
I need to figure out exactly what the issue is with the missing schemas and
figure out the best solutions for them.   More investigation needed.

4) Testing - I've really just run 2 of the Talend examples with it so far and
started up the wsn service.   Very minimal.    Definitely a lot more work to
do here.

5)   Dependency checking - I updated the features.xml with a bunch of new
features.   However, I haven't gone through all the jars to see if all the
imports resolve or not and then decide which we should resolve.  For example,
I know aegis databinding jar's dependency on jdom doesn't resolve, but I'm not
sure if we should by default resolve that or not since it is completely
optional.   JAXRS has a few of these as well (like abdera).

Anyway, it's progressing.    :-)

Cheers, SErgey

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