
I'm thinking of deleting CodeGeneratorProvider [1] for 2.6 only,
given that it seems to be redundant now that we have a wadl2java command line tool and plugin.

The idea behind CodeGeneratorProvider has been that one can just quickly download a zipped source from the dev/test service endpoint, compile, enhance a bit and test, but with the wadl2java tools it is not needed any more. One can get an existing WADL or use the one generated by CXF and feed it into a wadl code generator locally...

Does anyone feel it should be kept nonetheless and if yes then why ?

Let me know please, as I'm planning to remove it in the next few days. This will also let me move the SourceGenerator code which CodeGeneratorProvider relies upon to the tools/wadl, where it does belong...

Thanks, Sergey

[1] http://cxf.apache.org/docs/jaxrs-services-description.html#JAXRSServicesDescription-GeneratingtheclientcodefromWADLatruntime

Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

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