Hi Benson, all,

I've been modifying the CrossOriginResourceSharing annotation as well as the CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter during the last couple of days to address the issue reported by Matt Bishop, namely, to do with making it possible to avoid specifying "allowOrigins" within the CrossOriginResourceSharing annotation, given that "allowOrigins" keeps the list of absolute URIs thus it is not ideal at all to have it declared in the actual code.

CrossOriginResourceSharing used to have an 'allowAllOrigins' boolean property set by default to 'false' and also the 'allowOrigins' list/array property, the latter was ignored if 'allowAllOrigins' was set to true.

Additionally, similar properties exist in CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter which can be effective when the annotation is not set on a given method.

I started with removing what I thought was a redundant
CrossOriginResourceSharing 'allowAllOrigins', instead assuming that an empty/default 'allowOrigins' does mean 'allow all origins'.

The problem I'm seeing with this now that in order to be possible to avoid specifying specific 'allowOrigins' in the application code within CrossOriginResourceSharing one has to choose not to use CrossOriginResourceSharing because if it is provided it takes the preference over the possible custom values set in the filter.

So one option is to restore the boolean "allowAllOrigins" flag. By default it is set to 'false'. Thus if CrossOriginResourceSharing' allowOrigins is empty then there must be a filter property set customizing the allowOrigins to meet the allowAllOrigins==false requirement.

Another option is to remove CrossOriginResourceSharing' allowOrigins and expect the filter customize it when needed. The idea here is that it appears to be unlikely various individual methods within a current JAX-RS endpoint may have different allowed origins, rather it's more likely that the allowOrigins are going to be shared by all the JAX-RS methods for a given endpoint.

So I kind of prefer the 2nd option but at the same time I'm OK with restoring the flag for the sake of simplifying the testing and such at a minor cost of keeping the somewhat redundant 'allowAllOrigins'...

Let me know please what you think

Cheers, Sergey

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