Hi Aki,I added something else to the test. The unmarshalFault methods is used 
by the SAAJInInterceptor also, and it is there when the class receives the 
XMLStreamReader.class content for the fault only since the SAAJInInterceptor 
prepares it like that for this method.
I added this: SAAJInInterceptor saajInInterceptor = new SAAJInInterceptor();    
    saajInInterceptor.handleMessage(m);        fault2 = 
(SoapFault)m.getContent(Exception.class);        assertNotNull(fault2);         
       assertEquals(Soap12.getInstance().getSender(), fault2.getFaultCode());   
     assertEquals(new QName("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust";, 
"FailedAuthentication"),                      fault2.getSubCode());

The test passes successfully. I think the issue is resolved.

> From: dk...@apache.org
> To: dev@cxf.apache.org
> CC: carlosrodrifernan...@live.com
> Subject: Re: Issue CXF-4181
> Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 14:13:51 -0400
> Just committed a fix for this to trunk using Aki's unit test.   Can you and 
> Aki take a quick look?
> Basically, the SOAP Envelope/Body is stored on the message as a DOM node.   
> Thus, when we parse the fault to the DOM, we can actually parse it right 
> into the correct place in the original DOM.   All the namespaces would be 
> resolvable and such at that point. 
> Dan
> On Thursday, March 22, 2012 03:44:34 PM Carlos Rodríguez Fernández wrote:
> > Hello,This issue is because the Soap12FaultInInterceptor.unmarshalFault
> > receives a XMLStreamReader only for the Fault element. This is because it
> > is what the SAAJInInterceptor.handleMessage does with the XMLSreamReader
> > content when the message is a fault.Well, I think this issue requires a
> > lot of changes. These are my options:1. Let the unmarshalFault has access
> > to the whole message passing a XMLStreamReader of the whole message. Will
> > this change the whole "style" of how CXF interceptors processes soap
> > messages, i.e. by fragments? Since cxf is dealing with XML (ns
> > declarations can be in any ancestor) I don't think it is a bad idea
> > passing the XMLStreamReader for the whole message, so that, interceptors
> > are not allowed to change the XMLStreamReader for specific fragments.2.
> > Having a SOAPMessage content always available for when an interceptor
> > needs it. For some reason, this content is not presented when the
> > Soap12FaultInInterceptor is processing the message.3. Leaving everything
> > as it is and assuming that CXF needs you not to have any namespace
> > declaration in Bodies or Envelope element :S. This is it. I'm willing to
> > send a big patch :).
> > Regards,C.
> -- 
> Daniel Kulp
> dk...@apache.org - http://dankulp.com/blog
> Talend Community Coder - http://coders.talend.com

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