Hi, my first posting and I have looked over the mailing list and a host of 
other web sites but 
for the life of me I can't figure out how solve my problem. 

First a general description, I'm creating a Restful Web Service that manages a 
entity (eventually many but for now one).  I'm using Spring, Spring Security, 
Jackson and 
Apache CXF. I'm using maven for my builds and deploying to jetty. 

I have a servlet that responds to incoming requests and routes them to the 
correct service 
implementation.  The WebService part works just fine. 

What I want do do now, is include a page of HTML which includes css and 
javascript in the 
application so that I can use to test the web services.  I want to deploy the 
service and the 
static html/javascript/css in the same war file. 

Essentially I have this file layout:

        webapp +
                        -----> static - +
                        |                       |
                        |                       | - MyTestCode.html
                        |                       |
                        |                       | -> css (contains css files)
                        |                       |
                        |                       | -> js (contains javascript 
included in the MyTestCode.htm file)
                        ----->WEB-INF -+
                        |                            | -- > 
                        |                            |
                        |                            |--> web.xml
                        |--- index.jsp

Assume I have a servlet named myServlet,  I want all the requests that go to my 


to map to a Restful service implementation. 

So for example:

        http://localhost:8080/myServlet/server/user/getAll   - calls a method 
on the service implementation.

I want this URL


To return the data from the file of html 

I'm aware of this page: http://cxf.apache.org/docs/servlet-transport.html

But I've not been able to figure out how to get this to work.  Do I have to use 
both a 
redirect servlet and a static-resource-list? I've tried every combination I can 
think of to get this to 
work but had zero success. 

Can someone point me in the right direction? 

Tony Giaccone

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