Hi Matt

On 30/07/12 19:00, Matt Massie wrote:
Let me start by thanking your team for writing such a good piece of code.
CXF has worked well for us.

For one project, we used CXF to create a JAX-RS service that uses nested
subresources. Originally, we only provided a Python client to REST
interface. I'm in the process of using the CXF JAXRSClientFactory to create
a Java client for customers as well.  Unfortunately, the way we've
annotated the code is causing errors in the client code and I'm at a loss
to understand exactly why.

I've distilled the problem down to a simple test case and posted it as a


Thanks for making this code available, helped me reproduce the issue

Whenever I run the above test case, I get the following exception:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unresolved variables; only 0 value(s)
given for 1 unique variable(s)
at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.UriBuilderImpl.doBuild(UriBuilderImpl.java:82)
  at $Proxy15.getGrandchildResource(Unknown Source)
at com.cloudera.api.v1.impl.TestClass.testCase(TestClass.java:92)

It appears that the client code is unable to generate a request URI from
the @Path annotation we're providing.

Is there anything obviously wrong with the code in the gist that you can
see?  Any guidance you can provide would be very appreciated.

ChildResource has

on one of its methods,
but no @PathParam("childName") is avaialble

I've updated the method and the test passed

Cheers, Sergey


Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

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