On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 30/09/12 14:33, Benson Margulies wrote:
>> I've got a case, for which I'm about to file a JIRA, in which I think
>> that it's important that a particular situation leads to a log message
>> with some minimal content with a particular log level. Have we got any
>> tests for cases like this? I'm thinking about wiring up some sort of
>> test rig for intercepting log messages for the purpose.
>> Meanwhile, this particular case is perhaps worth a moment's discussion.
>> In JAX-RS, consider the following circumstance:
>> A resource accepts a parameter of bean type, and a mapper (in my case,
>> the Jackson json mapper) is responsible for mapping from the incoming
>> content to the bean. The incoming headers specify 'accept:
>> application/json', since that's what the function (normally) produces.
>> Now, someone debugging a python client sends a json blob with a
>> misspelled item in it. The mapper throws an exception.
>> WebApplicationExceptionMapper catches it and maps it to a 500,
>> accompanying the action with a log message at DEBUG.
>> The client gets a naked '500', no message anywhere. I suspect, but I'm
>> not sure, that the mapper would send back some backtracey verbiage if
>> the accept header were no so restrictive.
>> On the one hand, a WARN would be handy, as it's a pain to have to go
>> adjust the logging config just to see why the client isn't working. On
>> the other hand, a production application might get thousands of
>> malformed inputs a day, and might not want all this traffic in the
>> log.
>> Do we have a design principle (written down?) about how we decide what
>> should be logged non-DEBUG? Should errors resulting from ill-behaved
>> clients get that treatment? If not, I shouldn't write a JIRA or change
>> any code here.
> As I said in the previous message, it is to do with the over-optimization of
> WebApplicationExceptionMapper.
> By the way, I'm not sure I agree with the fix to CXF-4528.
> This is now getting complicated: one has to install a fault logger to get a
> stack trace, and, on top of that, the logging will happen twice, if property
> is set and FINE is active...

That was the situation *before* I changed it. As of now, if there's no
fault logger, you have a stack trace if you make the call to turn on
the stack trace. If you *do* decide to put in a fault logger, you
decide whether to dump stack traces from it.

> Let me propose something slightly different: if the fault logger is
> installed and it handled the exception: then do nothing else, the logger can
> log or ignore the error message, if not - do print the warn message because
> a number of times this issue has been raised - and this can be optimized if
> needed by turning 'printStackTrace' to false.

That's what I did, except that I left it at 'FINE'. If I messed up the
logic let's look at the code together.

> Sergey
> --
> Sergey Beryozkin
> Talend Community Coders
> http://coders.talend.com/
> Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

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