Hello devs.

I'm working on a war project overlaying fediz's IDP (resp STS).
I try to have a new version of the IdpServlet based on an HTML form rather than 
401-ing the browser.
To do so, I would like to subclass IdpServlet but as it is today, adding a WAR 
as a dependency do not provide the classes it contains. Browsing the doc of the 
war plugin, I found this 
 which would release an attached artifact with classifier "classes" and type 
"jar". If you do so, I could then add this new jar as provided and do my 
Unless you have a better suggestion of course.

Another little thing I would find really neat of you would be to add the 
folders containing only generated classes to the svn:ignore of their parents, 
like e.g. fediz-core/src/main/java/org/apache/cxf/fediz/core/config/jaxb.
This is a of course a detail, but it really makes my eye blink when I work on 
Eclipse :)


Juan Manuel


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