On 21/11/12 08:20, Janosch Weber wrote:

I develop with Apache CXF Distributed OSGi. Everything works fine, except
if I use variables from type Class. A Service with these variables cannot
used remotly. I got the same Exception and behaviour described in this
BUG: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-3613

This BUG was fixed in "normal" Apache CXF in october 2012. I think it was
not fixed in Distibuted OSGi (The last release was in april 2012). Is it
possible to get a newer running singledistribution-bundle? The nightly
snapshot don't work at my system. When is the next release of Distributed
OSGi? Is this fixed?

Christian has upgraded DOSGi CXF trunk to depend on CXF 2.7.0 and DOSGi 1.4 release will be done in a week or two. Next, once CXF 2.7.1 is out, you will be able replace CXF 2.7.0 within DOSGi multibundle distro with CXF 2.7.1 - perhaps DOSGI 1.4 itself can be released with CXF 2.7.1...



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