On Nov 22, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Eirik Bjørsnøs <eir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can this be done in CXF?
> ===================
> What I'd really like to to is to specify/add a custom WSDLLocator which
> resolves paths using the classpath. WSDLLocators aren't really exposed as
> extensions currently. However, I was able to override the
> OASISCatalogManager with a custom subclass and then override its
> resolveSystem, resolveURI, resolvePublic.
> That's clearly an extremely ugly hack, so I'd rather like to be able to
> configure CXF with an alternative / additional WSDLLocator.
> It seems to me that WSDLLocator is currently hard-coded to be an instance
> of ResourceManagerWSDLLocator having an instance of CatalogWSDLLocator as
> its parent. (I'm looking at WSDLManagerImpl.loadDefinition method)
> A alternative solution would be to use catalogs for all our WSDL/XSDs, but
> doing that might be out of our control or not very desirable for other
> reasons.
> Questions
> =======
> 1) Does CXF have other options for extending WSDL/XSD resolution that I'm
> not aware of?

Not that I'm aware of either.   :-)

> 2) Is my use case reasonable or should I just stick to having all files in
> the same JAR?
> 3) Could we makes some changes to CXF that would allow pluggable
> WSDLLocators?

Patches are definitely welcome.  Might be slightly complex since you would have 
to deal with locators for both WSDL4J as well as XmlSchema.  Also possibly for 
JAXB/XMLBeans/JIBX, although they may already be pulling the doms from the 
current caches.   Not really sure.

Daniel Kulp
dk...@apache.org - http://dankulp.com/blog
Talend Community Coder - http://coders.talend.com

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