
I've opened CXF-4696 [1] to get the client implementation moved out of jax-rs frontend to its own module: to get the main module smaller, to let users avoid downloading extra baggage when no client code is utilized and in preparation for implementing JAX-RS 2.0 API (though I'm keen on keeping supporting WebClient API, with Proxy API having no challenge from 2.0 API :-))

I thought I'd wait till CXF 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT but then started changing my mind, the reason is that CXF 2.7.x users can expect minor dependency changes during the lifetime of CXF 2.7.x anyway, for example, jsr339-api-m10 dep will get replaced soon enough by jsr339-api-m13 - this for the most parts will be limited just to it, to the dependency update.

Moving the client code to its own module will affect 2.7.x users exactly the same way, at some point, say, when migrating to CXF 2.7.2, they will need to add a new dependency but only if they also work with the client API.

IMHO this is can be simpler, as opposed to having CXF 2.7.x and 2.8.x jaxrs frontends still depending till some point of time on the not finalized 2.0 API but having the client api located in different modules...

Cheers, Sergey

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-4696

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