
At the moment CXF 2.7.2-SNAPSHOT depends on jsr339-api-m10 - this is quite close to the current JAX-RS 2.0 Snapshot API. ServiceMix spec jsr339-api-m10 (v 2.2.0) is also available.

Next, jsr339-api-m13 and now jsr339-api-m15 are available in Central.

The differences between jsr339-api-m10 and jsr339-api-m15 are quite minor at JAX-RS 2.0 API level - especially given that CXF does not implement yet the actual JAX-RS 2.0 client fluent API (though as I've mentioned earlier the async invoker and all 2.0 filters/interceptors are already supported).

Users who started experimenting with AsyncResponse might see some differences - primarily to do with resume/cancel returning boolean instead of throwing exceptions, etc. Thought who might've started with DynamicFeature would be impacted most - but I honestly do not think anyone has started coding DynamicFeatures - we do not document it yet.

I've been planning to get 2.7.x implementing final 2.0 API. It is important to note that the users migrating to 2.7.x are not expected to see any BC issues (and it was thanks to early 2.7.x users that we fixed some initial regressions/issues in 2.7.x).

I've upgraded locally to jsr339-api-m15 and I'm eager to commit :-)
The only 'side-effect' is that the users of next to be released CXF 2.7.2 would need to replace jsr339-api-m10 and jsr339-api-m15.

Alternatively: we can keep jsr339-api-m10 in CXF 2.7.x for its lifetime, and get CXF 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT starting effectively with jsr339-api-m15 and commit to having CXF 2.8.0/1 get the final JAX-RS 2.0 done

My preference is to get the 2.0 dependencies changed in 2.7.x or at least do the upgrade to m15 and stay there with the further updates done only in 2.8.x - however if there is some concern about it then the alternative (mentioned or others) can also work.

Any comments ?

Thanks, Sergey

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