Hi Tang

CC-ing to dev as it might of the general interest

On 04/01/13 15:53, Tang Yong wrote:
> Hi Sergey,
> Thanks, I still have many needing to learn... :)
> I have two questions and want to ask you or Christian,
> [Background]
> In the future(not very long), I will try to integrate DCXF into
> Glassfish v4 in order to make glassfish have DOSGi capability(this is
> also why I start to join DCXF and indeedly, DCXF is an excellent
> framework!), as to how to integrate it, I am still in thinking, because
> ,currently, glassfish has not some functions similar to Karaf's feature
> or OSGi subsystem(this is also why I start to do some research on
> Karaf's kernel/feature).
> [Question1]
> However, glassfish has a itself OSGi http container implementation, and
> I wish that defaultly, while starting DCXF, it can use glassfish's OSGi
> http container, so could you give me some advice(if spenting your too
> much time, no problem, I will investigate it in depth, :))

I guess it does not matter at DOSGi level how HTTPService is provided,
whether with pax-web
or via the container-specific implementation
> [Question2]
> glassfish has itself jax-rs/ws implementation(jersey), and currently,
> DCXF uses CXF as core jax-rs/ws implementation, I have an unmature idea:
> whether there is a possibility that we can swich jax-rs/ws
> implementation and also use other framework(for example, jersey), of
> course, I know that this is a litter unpractical.
Well, quite awhile back there was some discussion on how to get the
actual DSW implementation pluggable, example, some experts wanted a very
slim RI implementation based on something like RMI, but it never came to
any practical solution.
If someone can ever come up with some practical patch with CXF being the
default DSW stack - then why not :-)

Cheers, Sergey

> Thanks
> --Tang

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