Hi John,
I did most of the work required for WS-RMP support last year, when I
opened https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-4139. But I got
distracted by other projects, and my work-in-progress was outdated by
other changes. It's coming up on the one year anniversary, so probably
time to give this another try. I'll look into putting the pieces back
together next week.
- Dennis
On 01/22/2013 09:24 PM, John Li wrote:
Hello Aki,
Thanks for your help. The settings work as expected.
I wil contact Dennis about the latest status on this issue and pointers to
where I could possibly start with contributing to this. Meanwhile I setup
the environment and get all the unit tests up and running so I can start
directly when I have some more information.
With kind regards,
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Aki Yoshida<elak...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi John,
if you are using the sample Client from samples/ws_rm, you can set the
protocol as
import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client;
import org.apache.cxf.frontend.ClientProxy;
Client client = ClientProxy.getClient(port);
Regarding CXF-4139, as RMP 1.1 assertions are instantiated but
currently not used, as CXF's WS-RM uses 1.0 assertions internally to
read the configuration values like retransmission time etc. I added
some additional configuration properties in the manager schema
sometime ago to expose the options that are not defined in neither
policy versions or not in 1.1. Dennis mentioned me of this policy
unification ticket at that time. You can ping him and ask him if he
has some update. If you can look into it and contribute, that sounds
regards, aki
2013/1/17 John Li<j...@mycubes.nl>:
Hello Aki
Thanks for your quick response!
I am looking into your suggestion and I wanted to try this approach
I set set the bean property through Spring. But I saw in the
org.apache.cxf.ws.rm.Proxy file that the client is always instanciated in
the 'invoke' method. So I am not sure how I can change this runtime
without overriding the createClient method in the Proxy class. But I
figured that shouldn't be the way to go so I went for the property
configuration solution. Can you maybe point me to the place where I can
access the client in the correct way? Thanks!
Also having seen issue
CXF-4139<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-4139> it
looks like this task has been defined for quite a while. Is there already
some activity on this? Since I will be working on wsrm for a couple of
months (at least), maybe I can help/contribute with anything on this
Many thanks in advance!
With kind regards,
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Aki Yoshida<elak...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi John,
That generic property setting option was marked deprecated many years
go, so it's not good to use it. The explicit WSA namespace setting in
the bean configuration was added when WS-RM 1.1 was added. But I think
it is confusing to set these namespace properties in the RM
feature/manager level, as the server side endpoint can accept both
versions. Maybe that is why Dennis who worked on RM1.1 implementation
didn't add the RM namespace setting property to the bean
So how can you tell the client which WSRM version to use? You can
switch it by setting the appropriate runtime context properties. For
example, to use the standard WSRM11 and WSA combination, you can
For the server side, both versions 1.0 and 1.1 are automatically
accepted. So you don't need to configure anything special.
regards, aki
2013/1/17 John Li<j...@mycubes.nl>:
Hello all,
I am currently working on an assignment to implement a pilot showing
interoperability of WSRM between different technologies. For the
implementation I will be using Apache CXF to provide both a server for
other clients to connect to and to provide a sample client
in Apache CXF.
After downloading and getting the wsrm sample application up and
have seen in the SOAP messages that WSRM 1.0 is the default protocol
the namespace is still 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/rm'.
Actually the CXF website is not mentioning anything about the
implementation of wsrm 1.1. After some research I found that from
2.5.1 the wsrm 1.1/1.2 has been added to the release. My problem is
could not find how to activate the 1.1 protocol. Specifically I need
RMS to send out wsrm 1.1 messages out instead of 1.0 messages. The
can see it will react based on the message that comes in so that will
automatically select the right protocol version.
After looking through the source code of the WSRM implementation I
the required settings in the RMManager but based on the
current reliableMessaging configurations the rmNamespace is not a
configuration option. Although I can see in the wsrm-manager.xsd the
following statement:
<xs:any namespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Deprecated. To support the older spring:property element that is no
I could only change this configuration by using the spring property
element. So to make my client implementation sending out wsrm 1.1
I have used the following two statements in the reliableMessaging
<wsrm-mgr:RM10AddressingNamespace uri="
<property name="RMNamespace" value="
Though now it seems to work, the property element is deprecated so I
wondering if I am doing it on the correct way or is there a better
way to
do this?
Also I see in the current implementation that the usage of wsrmp 1.0
settings is defined in the wsrm-manager.xsd and wsrmp 1.1/1.2 elements
not supported. As it also is stated in issue
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-4139. Though the wsrmp
has totally different elements, the most important delivery assurance
settings are already supported by Apache CXF wsrm-manager
My question on this is: What is the impact for Apache CXF when a WSDL
provided that uses the wsrmp 1.1/1.2 policy elements? Will they be
and you need to configure these settings manually through the manager
does CXF automatically convert them to the internal manager settings?
I hope someone can help me with clarifying my questions.
Many thanks in advance!
John Li