On 07/05/13 09:50, Nicolae Petridean wrote:
Hi guys,
we are buidling an application that uses Jersey for exposing rest services
and CDI for services management.
We need to integrate this app with a 3rd party identity provider but we're
also consider the opportunity to replace jersey with CXF. The problem is we
do not have Spring in the application big picture. Can you help us with
some examples or advise about how and if we should do it (integrate with
jersey and CDI (Weld ) ? The security protocol we will use is also not
clear yet. There is a possibility to use Oauth 2.0.
I'd recommend to ask a question about Jersey & CDI at the Jersey users list, I'm pretty sure they support it in Glassfish.

We do not have an explicit support for CDI in CXF. I think you can get CDI + CXF working well in TomEE+ distro. See what we have about OAuth2 at the moment:


Also check Apache Oltu for OAuth2 - that should work with Jersey/CXF too.

If you cannot answer fully to my question, maybe you can guide us to a CXF
example without Spring.

You can use CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet, see

HTH, Sergey

Thanks in advance, Nicu

Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

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