On 21.06.2013 01:27, A. Rothman wrote:

In my recent review of the DOSGi codebase, one thing that stood out and made the code harder to follow, or at least more annoying, was inconsistent variable naming - even for the same types, used with the same meaning, within the same class. I'd like to propose to standardize on some naming convention so that the code will be more coherent and predictable and thus easier to maintain.

I'm not referring to names with added value or meaning in a particular context, which have their place, but just the interchangeable and generic type names which are by far the majority.

I'm also not advocating any particularly choice of names - any will do, as long as they are used consistently.

Here are some quick examples, with the number of occurrences of the most common names per type (the stats are not perfect [1], but make the point):

22 endpoint
     18 ed
     17 epd
     10 sd
      6 ep
      3 endpointDescription

     68 sref
     19 reference
     13 sr
     13 serviceReference

     97 bc
     27 callingContext
     24 context
     24 bctx
     22 bundleContext
+1 (be careful when refactoring that sometimes we have two BundleContexts with different meanings. There we need different names)
     21 dswContext
     10 dswBC
     10 ctx
      7 requestingContext
      2 bundlecontext
      2 bcontext

      9 sreg
      5 sr
      3 serviceRegistration
      3 registration
      2 reg
As the serviceregistration is always for a certain service I propose to name it like <ServiceName>Reg. So it shows what service we are talking about.

     16 zk
      5 zooKeeper
      3 zookeeper

And there are also meaning-specific names, such as Dictionaries used for services properties, which are named: props, p, m, config, serviceProps, svrProps, etc.
There in general I am against 1 letter names.

These are just a few types that came to mind, but the inconsistency is pretty consistent :-)

Some suggested conventions:

- use the currently most common names: endpoint, sref, bc, sreg, zk, props, etc.
- use initials: ed, sr, bc, sr, zk, etc.
- use simple words: endpoint, reference, context, registration, zookeeper, props, etc. - use any combination that seems pleasant to read, e.g.: endpoint, sref, context, sreg, zookeeper, props, etc. (this or the previous option would be my pick)
I also favour this or the previous option.

Or, we can leave things as they are.

I can do the refactoring if it is agreed to do so.

So how about it?


Here's the quick-and-dirty command I used for the stats:
find -name "*.java" | xargs sed -rn -e '/^(.*"|\s*[*]|\s*[/]{2}|.*implements)/! s/.*EndpointDescription(<.*>)?\s+(\w+)[^a-zA-Z_(].*/\2/p' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr


Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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