On 01/04/14 10:46, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
Hi Freeman

IMHO it appears to be a rather 'intrusive' commit. I'm sure it will help
with the JMX improvements work somehow but here are some comments:

Here are some comments:
- should your bean annotation introspectors to do with JMX be moved to
rt/management, do they belong to the core ? All these Jackson deps just
hit the eye :-), nothing against Jackson here per se, just seems it is
not in the right place
Yeah, ManagedEndpoint is in the core - may be it can be migrated into rt/management in 3.0 ?

Cheers, Sergey
- AbstractJAXRSFactoryBean update: I don't think we need to keep the
custom classes map within every created endpoint by default for the sake
of the optional JMX improvement: if you need it for the JMX work then
lets consider how this can be optionally done, example, add a service
endpoint listener and add the classes map from there, etc, so lets
remove those lines for now

Thanks, Sergey

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