Hi Alessio

In my new tests around JSON security I'm doing exactly what you propose, checking if BC is needed, apparently not with Java 8 only as far as GCM is concerned.

it may be more sensitive in case of WSS4J...

Cheers, Sergey
On 23/07/14 12:44, Alessio Soldano wrote:
I've been asked whether it's possible to avoid having BC installed as a
global security provider when using Apache CXF. I'm of course aware that
WSS4J installs it on behalf of CXF for supporting e.g. GCM algorithms,
which is not an option. However the question is still reasonable;
assuming the CXF stack is not the only framework running in the JVM,
other frameworks are going to be affected by that. They might or might
not want BC installed (for instance, just an example, because of [1]).
They might prefer different providers for a given set of algorithm
requirements. Ultimately, it should be up to the user to decide which
providers are set as global security provider, application should either
rely on the installed global providers without touching them, or
explicitly use what they want.
So I'm wondering if there's a way we could modify CXF/WSS4J/Santuario
for using BC (or whatever we want to use ;-) ) e.g. when needing GCM
without installing it as a global provider. Something around e.g.
getting ciphers through the javax.crypto.Cipher#getInstance(String
transformation, Provider provider) method instead of the
javax.crypto.Cipher#getInstance(String transformation) after having
loaded the provider without installing it globally, etc.
Any thought / idea?

[1] http://bouncycastle.org/jira/browse/BJA-19 /
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-3789, BouncyCastle DH
KeyPairGenerator algorithm can hang / eat lots of CPU

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