
I got stuck this morning with releasing Jettison 1.3.7 which is needed to address a JAXRS JSONProvider improvement issue. I was actually about to release it yesterday, created a staging repo, but postponed till this morning to finalize the release and now I'm stuck with Codehauz Nexus requiring a licence and there are apparently some Nexus setup issues at Codehaus that prevent people from activating the temp licence keys.

I'm hoping the issue will be resolved in the next few days...

Thanks, Sergey

On 26/11/14 16:10, Daniel Kulp wrote:
I’m planning on doing 2.7.14 and 3.0.3 releases early next week after the US 
holiday.   We have a bunch of fixes that would be good to get out and the new 
code allows much easier configuration and such to avoid the POODLE thing.   If 
you have anything else that needs to get in, please let me know.


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