Hi Andy

Welcome, thanks for the introductions, some comments below
On 17/08/16 15:56, Andy McCright wrote:
Hi All,

I wanted to introduce myself.  My name is Andy McCright and I'll be taking
over Iris Deng's role as IBM's advocate for CXF and JAX-RS.

Please pass our thanks to Iris, who is still a CXF committer :-)

I'm planning
to join the JSR 370 expert group as well.

Will be good, the group does need new people joining, we already have Alessio Soldano representing our friends from RedHat (RestEasy) there joining recently too.

My background has been mainly in WebSphere development.  I've worked on few
different areas including the kernel/bootstrap/OSGi implementation, the
classloading mechanism, trace and logging, the EJB container, etc.  I've
taken over the JAX-RS role due to some recent reorganizations.

So far, my only involvement with CXF has been internal to IBM.  We've been
tweaking a few things in our WebSphere Liberty implementation.  Our main
concern lately has been in the area of performance.  We've seen about a 20%
degradation of performance when taking a very simple JAX-RS 1.1-compliant
app (running with the Apache Wink implementation) and running it on CXF
3.0.3 - using Liberty's jaxrs-2.0 feature.  I know this is not an
"apples-to-apples" comparison, and I suspect that much of the difference is
time spent on function specific to JAX-RS 2.0.  That said, we have also
seen another ~10% drop in performance from 3.0.3 to 3.0.9.

I am hoping to contribute some performance fixes to the community in the
near future.  I am still pretty new to this code base, so I'll be asking
for some help with code reviews and suggestions, etc.

Sure, please do. FYI, in CXF 3.1.7 we have JAX-RS MessageBodyReader/Writer cache supported something that Neal Hu and myself worked upon. MediaType cache has also been implemented earlier (with thanks to Alessio). I believe one of your colleagues opened an issue earlier related to a CXF Bus synchronization issue and said they'd evaluate a fix.

Looking forward to working with you,

Looking forward to working with you too



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