Hey guys,

So I have been looking around to understand how the activation around CDI is 
worked out by others, 
including ConfigResolver and Jersey. Here is what I have discovered so far.

#1. Deltaspike. Uses own ConfigResolver approach: among other things, allows to 
deactivate beans / extensions
using a list of config sources. Because Deltaspike is pure CDI, all extensions 
are automatically discovered but
could be deactivated by means of ConfigResolver. In case of CXF, we could take 
a similar approach by activating
the necessary beans (as most of our components are non-beans archives and as 
such, won't be discovered by CDI), 

<full.class.name>.active = true
<full.class.name>.active = true
<full.class.name>.active = true

Once the JAXRS extension is picked up by CDI runtime, it would add annotated 
types during the discovery phase for
activated providers / features. In the future, this could be done using 
beans.xml (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-526),
hopefully, but as Romain pointed out, it is problematic at the moment.

We could make it per-module (so each component would provide such 
configuration) or bundle as a single module
(f.e. cxf-cdi-discovery, or cxf-cdi-beans, ...). Surely, each application would 
be able to override any of the
activations and/or provide its own if necessary.

#2. Jersey. Uses own mechanism to autodiscover and register features and 
providers. Essentially, in a simplified form, it could
be summarized like this. Each module (component) provides binding (in a form 
contract -> class -> scope) which it thinks should be
autodiscovered by the runtime (in this case, CDI). The bindings are brought 
into context using service loader. In this case, every
component has a compile-time dependency on CDI API.

No doubts, there are more options available. Picking between the ones above, 
could/should we implement #1? If yes, should we build it 
on top of Microprofile Config API 
(https://github.com/eclipse/microprofile-config)? Or just keep it as simple as 
possible (around new/use existing property file)? What do you think guys?


Best Regards,
    Andriy Redko

RMB> Something like deltaspike where it is on by default and deactivable by 
config is not bad for such modules. Issue
RMB> is: what is config? For spring it is obvious but for cdi it must be the 2 
mentionned solution and maybe a 3rd fallback with a cxf specific solution - or 
system props.

RMB> An alternate more advanced option can be a cxf-autoload module which would 
read some classpath file like a spi
RMB> where cxf modules could register such feature but would be on only when 
this module is in the cp. Maybe something
RMB> to study but to be honest i believe more in the previous integrations (as 
a user).

RMB> Le 23 déc. 2017 20:29, "Sergey Beryozkin" <sberyoz...@gmail.com> a écrit :

RMB> Well, was not clear what you meant, the whole conversation was about 
optionally choosing whether to auto-load a
RMB> given provider or not with CDI and you referred to SpringBoot which could 
do some magic and CXF having the related
RMB> module and possibly getting some ideas from there and I thought I'd 
clarify that there was no magic there in the
RMB> Spring-Boot starters/auto-configuration, nothing SpringBoot or Spring 
specific (well we do refer to Spring to scan
RMB> but CDI can scan too) about optionally loading specific providers from the 
specific packages.

RMB>  CXF itself ships many providers in different modules and packages and it 
is hard to see how one can let users
RMB> control auto-loading them (which is) without letting users choose at the 
config time...

RMB>  Cheers, Sergey

RMB>  On 22/12/17 23:15, Andriy Redko wrote:

RMB>  That is right, I was not refering to autodiscovery but Spring Boot module 
RMB>  have. As per my understading, CDI has different means for achieving the 
RMB>  outcomes but Spring is more flexible in this regard.

 SB>> CXF SpringBoot module does not do any auto-discovery. The code is in the
 SB>> rt/frontend/jaxrs/.../spring which can be loaded by the spring boot
 SB>> module, and it does what I said in the prev email, scans for the classes
 SB>> annotated as providers in the user-requested packages...

 SB>> Cheers, Sergey
 SB>> On 22/12/17 22:40, Andriy Redko wrote:

RMB>  Documenting make sense. To project it to Spring-based runtime, fe, without
RMB>  Spring-specific annotations + configuration the discovery won't happen ...
RMB>  But there is Spring Boot which could do magic here, and CXF does have a
RMB>  module for it. Same, in theory, could be possible with CXF+CDI (let say by
RMB>  adding `cxf-cdi` module where we could supply the limited, handcrafted
RMB>  set of CDI beans available for discovery in the beans.xml). Do you think 
RMB>  is worth exploring the idea?

RMB>  Best Regards,
RMB>        Andriy Redko

 JDA>> I would do nothing but document a strategy that users can implement.  The
 JDA>> biggest question I have is whether a provider like this should be
 JDA>> registered automatically?  Does that happen with spring based runtimes?
 JDA>> What about when there is no DI framework present?  Is it clear enough 
 JDA>> user would need to list it in their Application class as a 

 JDA>> John

 JDA>> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 5:08 PM Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com> wrote:

RMB>  Sure, removed/reverted. So here are the general thoughts. Yes, most (if
RMB>  not all) of the providers/features/... are not CDI
RMB>  specific and as such, they are not bean archives (and it make sense). Now,
RMB>  how could we make the CXF more CDIish? There
RMB>  are a couple of option we could explore, but what would be the idiomatic
RMB>  CDI way?

RMB>  Best Regards,
RMB>        Andriy Redko

 JDA>> Personally, I would actually recommend removing the beans.xml from
RMB>  open tracing (and really any module that isn't
 JDA>> a cdi specific module).  While it does allow for a bit more automatic
RMB>  binding, my question was more around what is
 JDA>> missing.  I missed the fact that there is no build in automatic
RMB>  discovery of providers in CDI if they're not CDI
 JDA>> managed - which is OK and the answer I was working through.

 JDA>> And realistically, this issue is not specific to the open tracing
RMB>  integration, I can replicate it with other
 JDA>> providers.  Its just a matter of documenting and knowing what to
RMB>  setup.

 JDA>> So if you don't mind, I'd like to revert that commit; and add some
RMB>  docs around how to create an automatically registered provider.

 JDA>> John

 JDA>> On 2017-12-22 15:24, Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibu...@gmail.com>
RMB>  wrote:

RMB>  How can i disable it now? Tink that cxf feature - even if in separate
RMB>  modules - shouldnt be auto registered until it has a deactivable flag -
RMB>  classpath properties + overridable through system prop.

RMB>  Wdyt?

RMB>  Le 22 déc. 2017 18:38, "Andriy Redko" <drr...@gmail.com> a écrit :

RMB>  Hi Sergey,

RMB>  It wasn't (for CDI only), but it could have been always included

RMB>  manually.

RMB>  Thanks.

RMB>  Best Regards,
RMB>        Andriy Redko

 SB>> Hi Andriy

 SB>> So how was a JAX-RS (OpenTracing) Feature discovered without

RMB>  beans.xml

RMB>  ?

 SB>> Cheers, Sergey
 SB>> On 22/12/17 17:24, Andriy Redko wrote:

RMB>  The beans.xml was missed indeed, I added it and OpenTracingFeature

RMB>  has

RMB>  been discovered right away.

RMB>  The commit is on its way. Thanks!

RMB>  Best Regards,
RMB>         Andriy Redko

 JDA>> I'm holding off on doing anything to fix it.  For one, a user

RMB>  may

RMB>  not want to use the global tracer so making it

 JDA>> so that they register it makes more sense.  Ultimately to

RMB>  solve

RMB>  it, I think we should be moving server

 JDA>> customizations outside of CDI to ensure that it can be auto

RMB>  registered.

 JDA>> John

 JDA>> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 11:12 AM Andriy Redko <

RMB>  wrote:

 JDA>> Hey John,

 JDA>>  The OpenTracingFeature

RMB>  (org.apache.cxf.tracing.opentracing.jaxrs

RMB>  package) is JAX-RS feature,

 JDA>>  which JAXRS CDI extension should recognize out of the box.

RMB>  There

RMB>  is also CXF feature (

 JDA>>  in org.apache.cxf.tracing.opentracing package) to be used for

RMB>  JAX-WS services. The only explanation

 JDA>>  I have why it is not being picked up it the absense of

RMB>  bean.xml

RMB>  so we could fix that. I will

 JDA>>  take a look shorly (if you haven't figured this one out

RMB>  already).

RMB>  Thanks.

 JDA>>  Best Regards,
 JDA>>      Andriy Redko

RMB>      JDA>> I'm not sure either, this is the behavior I see in the

RMB>  code:

RMB>      JDA>> - Register JAX-RS resources (with @ApplicationPath)
RMB>      JDA>> - Register JAX-RS resources (with @Path)
RMB>      JDA>> - Register JAX-RS providers (with JAX-RS @Provider)
RMB>      JDA>> - Register JAX-RS features (with JAX-RS @Feature)
RMB>      JDA>> - Register CXF features (doesn't care if it has a CXF

RMB>  @Provider

RMB>  annotation but I see the OpenTracing one does have it)

RMB>      JDA>> - Otherwise we assume its the CXF Bus object

RMB>      JDA>> There's not much happening with a CXF @Provider

RMB>  declaration in

RMB>  the extension.  But at the end of the day, I'm only

RMB>      JDA>> dealing with a JAX-RS @Provider and that doesn't get

RMB>  registered

RMB>  since it's not a CDI bean.  I don't see any issue

RMB>      JDA>> registering CXF @Provider this way as well, but its

RMB>  possible

RMB>  it's not a CDI bean still, but that's ultimately what the customizer

RMB>  was

RMB>  put in for.

RMB>      JDA>> John

RMB>      JDA>> On 2017-12-22 09:56, Sergey Beryozkin <

RMB> sberyoz...@gmail.com>

RMB>  wrote:

RMB>      >>> Sure, I just don't understand what is the difference between

RMB>  a


RMB>      >>> feature and CXF feature, as far as the CXF CDI code is

RMB>  concerned.

RMB>  If it

RMB>      >>> can load the JAX-RS features which have not been written

RMB>  with CDI

RMB>  in

RMB>      >>> mind, why can't it load CXF features without some extra work

RMB>  going into

RMB>      >>> these features...

RMB>      >>> Thanks, Sergey
RMB>      >>> On 22/12/17 14:50, John D. Ament wrote:
RMB>      >>> > That's not really the issue though.  The extension will

RMB>  only

RMB>  receive CDI managed beans.  Take a look at my pull to see what I had

RMB>  to do

RMB>  to get it to register automatically.  If nothing else, this is an

RMB>  argument

RMB>  for moving JAXRSServer Customization into core and using service

RMB>  loader

RMB>  :-)  Perhaps after the new year.

RMB>      >>> >
RMB>      >>> > On 2017-12-22 09:23, Sergey Beryozkin <

RMB> sberyoz...@gmail.com>

RMB>  wrote:

RMB>      >>> >> I was not referring the OpenTracing module offering a CDI

RMB>  extension, but

RMB>      >>> >> to the work Andriy did in the CXF CDI integration where

RMB>  the

RMB>  providers

RMB>      >>> >> and feature are picked up. Thought, when we were

RMB>  discussing

RMB>  the SSE

RMB>      >>> >> feature I thought Andriy said it was looking at the CXF

RMB>  @Provider as

RMB>      >>> >> well, may be I misunderstood.
RMB>      >>> >> Updating the CDI code to check CXF @Provider, if it is not

RMB>  already

RMB>      >>> >> checked, makes sense IMHO
RMB>      >>> >>
RMB>      >>> >> Sergey
RMB>      >>> >> On 22/12/17 14:08, John D. Ament wrote:
RMB>      >>> >>> Actually one more thing.  The CDI extension only looks

RMB>  for

RMB>  JAX-RS @Provider not CXF @Provider.

RMB>      >>> >>>
RMB>      >>> >>> On 2017-12-22 09:06, "John D. Ament"<

RMB> johndam...@apache.org>

RMB>  wrote:

RMB>      >>> >>>> I'm not sure what the CDI extension has to do with

RMB>  this.  It

RMB>  has no bean defining annotations, and there is no beans.xml in the

RMB>  JAR that

RMB>  it ships with so I'm not sure it would be picked up by the extension.

RMB>      >>> >>>>
RMB>      >>> >>>> There's nothing special done for TomcatwarTest to make

RMB>  more

RMB>  JARs available, right?

RMB>      >>> >>>>
RMB>      >>> >>>> On 2017-12-22 08:15, Sergey Beryozkin <

RMB> sberyoz...@gmail.com>

RMB>  wrote:

RMB>      >>> >>>>> It is annotated with CXF @Provider annotation - should

RMB>  be

RMB>  picked up by

RMB>      >>> >>>>> the CXF CDI extension
RMB>      >>> >>>>>
RMB>      >>> >>>>> Sergey
RMB>      >>> >>>>> On 22/12/17 13:07, John D. Ament wrote:
RMB>      >>> >>>>>> I'm trying to finish up testing CDI injection of

RMB>  Context

RMB>  objects.  The one

RMB>      >>> >>>>>> area I'm struggling with is the automatic

RMB>  registration of

RMB>  this feature.  I

RMB>      >>> >>>>>> added a dependency on OpenTracing, just to confirm

RMB>  that

RMB>  injection via CDI

RMB>      >>> >>>>>> works (and to be honest, this is one of my use cases,

RMB>  working with

RMB>      >>> >>>>>> tracing).  However, it seems that this feature isn't

RMB>  automatically

RMB>      >>> >>>>>> registered via CDI.  Is there something I have to do

RMB>  to

RMB>  make it work?

RMB>      >>> >>>>>>
RMB>      >>> >>>>>> John
RMB>      >>> >>>>>>
RMB>      >>> >>>>>
RMB>      >>> >>>>
RMB>      >>> >>

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