Hi Dmitry,

Thanks for your efforts and investigations, I appreciate your contribution.
Could you describe a bit more what do you mean under
- "it is not possible to change path"
- "issue with providing realm name as path param"
- "there is no any flexibility with custom functionality"

Update methods to public isn't a problem.
Regarding the rest steps: could you please create CXF Jira issue describing 
current issues and limitations you find?
Then you can provide PRs in context of this Jira.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dmitry Tsybulka (Contractor) <dmitry.tsybu...@zurich.ch>
Sent: Dienstag, 17. September 2019 21:13
To: dev@cxf.apache.org
Cc: Evgeny Sitnikov <evgeny.sitni...@zurich.ch>
Subject: STS REST interface

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Hi Community,

In Zurich Insurance we had a task to provide REST interface for STS module.

I tried to use org.apache.cxf.sts.rest.RESTSecurityTokenServiceImpl, but found 
following issues:
- it is not possible to change path;
- issue with providing realm name as path param;
- not possible to provide Json-like responses;
- there is no OpenAPI documentation;
- there is no any flexibility with custom functionality.

Because of points above, we implemented own interface and implementation (based 
on org.apache.cxf.sts.rest.RESTSecurityTokenServiceImpl) that solved all issues 
that I mentioned.
This is why we propose to contribute our implementation to CXF.
It could be done in following steps steps:
1. For re-using RESTSecurityTokenServiceImpl? implementation and not implements 
RESTSecurityTokenService, I need to have methods:
    public void setMessageContext(MessageContext messageContext)
    public void setSecurityContext(SecurityContext securityContext)

2. Provide API
- interface with OpenAPI documentation
- requests classes

3.  Provide ContainerRequestFilter and fix in UriRealmParser? for properly 
manage realm name path parameter.
Provide class ExtRealmProperties for extending realm properties with RS 
security properties.

4. Provide JaasAuthenticationFilter and JwtAuthenticationFilter

5. Provide new REST interface implementation

Could you please let me know what do you think and, if it is interesting for 
community, I will provide PRs.

Best Regards,

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