Type system matches the dfdl/XML schema type system, not the scala type system, 
but has some extra nodes that are there for convenience also.

In dfdl/XML decimal is super type of integer.

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From: Sloane, Brandon
Sent: Friday, April 12, 6:17 PM
Subject: NodeInfo confusion
To: dev@daffodil.apache.org

I am looking at the type hierarchy defined in NodeInfo and am confused about 
the Integer type. In NodeInfo.scala we have: protected sealed trait IntegerKind 
extends SignedInteger.Kind case object Integer extends PrimTypeNode(Decimal, 
List(Long, NonNegativeInteger)) with IntegerKind { type Kind = IntegerKind 
override def fromXMLString(s: String) = new JBigInt(s) } In the above code, the 
second line declares that Decimal is the parent type of Integer. However, 
within the scala type-system, SignedInteger is the supertype of Integer (as 
declared in the first line). My understanding is that the type hierarchy of 
NodeInfo is intended to match their Scala type hierarchy. The context where 
this is coming up is that I need to find a type that will serve as a supertype 
(in the sense that NodeInfo defines) for all integer types. Brandon T. Sloane 
Associate, Services bslo...@tresys.com | tresys.com

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