I'm a little unclear on who owns the mark objects. You have the discriminator 
stack of marks, and also infoset nodes with referenced counters to marks. The 
discriminator stack of marks is used to determine when to call the walk() as 
well as to keep track of discrimination, and the infoset nodes with reference 
counters to marks are to enable the walker to know how much it can consume.

You did not discuss unparsing yet of course. It may be illustrative to design 
all of the parse and unparse capability together.

There is no backtracking, but we still have the issue of wanting to evaluate 
suspensions asap, not saving all of them to the end of unparsing (what it does 
now). The concept here I think is that the suspensions, when created, should be 
hung on the infoset nodes whose values they depend on, so that when those nodes 
are attached or the parent element is closed, that is when the expressions are 
retried to see if they succeed or suspend again.

The expressions can reference into the future when unparsing, that is, element 
N may depend on element N+1. That causes suspensions typically. But I think the 
trim-away logic is pretty much the same as parser. When you are done unparsing 
an element, then you can release it unless it is referenced by expressions. If 
the referenced element is an array element at index N, then you can release 
prior array element N-1 generally, based on the same control property you 
suggest for parsing.

From: Steve Lawrence <slawre...@apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 9:18 AM
To: dev@daffodil.apache.org <dev@daffodil.apache.org>
Subject: Proposal: Infoset Streaming and Memory Reduction

I've added a new proposal to allow Daffodil to use a more stream-like
behavior when creating infoset events, and to remove infoset nodes when
possible to reduce memory usage. The proposal is available here:


I welcome any thoughts on ways to improve this.

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