The Runner objects are normally members of a scala singleton object. That way 
they are constructed once and shared by all the tests.

My understanding is once a singleton object is required, it is constructed, and 
then never goes away for the life of the JVM (actually the class loader, but 
those aren't released typically either, so life of the JVM) (per

So as Runners are usually val or lazy val of these singletons, they will never 
go out of scope.

From: Carlson, Ian <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 5:51 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: Daffodil-1300

A conversation with Steve Lawrence, and digging deeper into the ThreadLocal 
aspect of the Runner and DFDLTestSuite objects has called into question whether 
the shutdown routines are still needed or not. My understanding is that Scala 
is a garbage collected language, and should dump objects and classes which are 
no longer in use – so long as references to them are not being held by 
still-existing objects.

The shutdown routine called by the Runner class simply invokes ts_ts.set(null), 
where tl_ts is of type ThreadLocal[DFDLTestSuite]. Presumably this removes the 
reference to the DFDLTestSuite and allows it to be garbage collected, but in 
current cases, the Runner  containing the DFDLTestSuite will simply go out of 
scope once the block of tests is completed.

The Runner objects are constructed as lazy val types, so it is my expectation 
that they will be constructed only when used – as in the TresysTests.scala file 
– lines 108-181 – and then be released at the end of that scope.

So is the invocation of .set(null) on the ThreadLocal[DFDLTestSuite] objects 
still actually necessary?

[A picture containing object, clock  Description automatically generated]       
   Ian Carlson | Software Engineer

[Owl Cyber Defense]


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From: Beckerle, Mike<>
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2020 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: Daffodil-1300

I think the DFDLTestSuite constructor can't stay deprecated. We still need to 
construct them.

It can become package private I think, so not usable outside the package.  I 
think the scala syntax for that is:

class Foo private[pkgName] (arg1: Type1, arg2: Type2) { ...

The deprecation was just to help in hunting down the usages.

If we need more Runner functions that's ok. But probably we can just depend on 
Scala's ability to pass arguments by specifying the argument names explicitly 
and getting defaults for the rest.  I think calls to Runner already do this in 
many cases.

From: Carlson, Ian <>
Sent: Thursday, October 1, 2020 4:14 PM
To: <>
Subject: Daffodil-1300

Regarding DAFFODIL-1300, I’m hunting down usage of “new DFDLTestSuite” and 
replacing them with usage of the “Runner” object. In order to help identify 
where the DFDLTestSuite was being invoked, I un-commented:

daffodil-tdml-lib/src/main/scala/org/apache/daffodil/tdml/TDMLRunner.scala line 

@deprecated("2016-12-30", "Use Runner(...) instead."

This revealed that the Runner object itself invokes “new DFDLTestSuite” when 
the runOneTest function is called. This seems to defeat the purpose of this 
task. I’m hoping for some guidance or opinions on when, if ever, it’s 
appropriate to invoke the DFDLTestSuite constructor.

Related to this – I believe I’ll need to create more constructors for the 
Runner object in order to preserve the argument combinations currently invoked 
by some of the new DFDLTestSuite calls – in particular when compileAllTopLevel 
must be provided as true when paired with an xml node instead of a file name.

Is deprecating the DFDLTestSuite constructor still appropriate, or since this 
ticket was written have we changed or strategy such that it shouldn’t be called 
directly, but will need to be used by the Runner object?

[A picture containing object, clock  Description automatically generated]       
   Ian Carlson | Software Engineer

[Owl Cyber Defense]


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