Is there any way to have a separate test module where tests are all run with 
fork = true?
From: Steve Lawrence <>
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020 9:54 AM
To: <>
Subject: TestDaffodilXMLLoader non-thread safe tests

We have three tests in TestDaffodilXMLLoader that had a random failure
in Github Actions for a pull request I created that updates SBT to
1.4.1. Looking at these tests, I believe they are not thread-safe and
that's likely causing the failure I'm seeing.

The way they work is each tests creates a schema, test data, and XML
Catalog file, and a file.

The first issue is each test writes to the exact same file location, so
if these individual tests are run in parallel things will break. One
option to resolve this would be to create files in random temp
directories. This would work except for the next issue.

Which is that the test creates a file at the
root the classpath. When Daffodil does XML resolution, it searches for
this file to change specify XML catalogs. This file is temporarily added
during these tests to reference the created XML Catalog file

This means that while these tests are running, the file could affect any other tests, not just
those in this TestDaffodilXMLLoader file. I'm wondering if this was the
actual cause of some of the random failures we used to see fairly
regularly and thought it was just non-thread safe code in the TDML
Runner. Perhaps it was actually just this test changing and breaking XML resolution.

I can't think of a safe way to deal with testing this capability, except
maybe CLI tests where we actually fork processes and could do so in temp
directories with custom properties files. But these tests seem to be a
bit more unit-testy. Any thoughts on how to test this capability? Should
we convert to CLI test? Is there an alternative? Or should we just
remove them completely?

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