To get a repository created with this ".g8" extension will require an INFRA 
The GUI for creating a new Apache repo just takes a name like "schema" and 
creates a repo named "daffodil-schema.git" from it.
From: Steve Lawrence <>
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 12:44 PM
To: <>
Subject: New Repository for Daffodil Schema Template?

The below relates to DAFFODIL-2144:

On, there is a repository called
"dfdl-project-layout.g8". This repository is a Giter8 [1] template repo
that makes it easier for users to create a new schema that follows the
standard project layout for developing schemas with Daffodil, as
described here:

With this template repo, users can run the following command to generate
a standard project layout for a new format:

  sbt new OpenDFDL/dfdl-project-layout.g8

This will ask a couple questions and then generate files/dirs based on
the template in the repo. This is very convenient for users to quickly
start with Daffodil schema development.

However, since this project is so closely related to Daffodil, and since
it can all be contributed as ALv2, that I think it makes more sense to
move the template to a repository on ASF infrastructure. A Giter8
template repo has some requirements though:

1) It be in its own repository
2) The repository name ends .g8
3) The repository is hosted on GitHub

Requirements 1 and 2 mean we cannot use the existing daffodil repo, so a
new repo is required. We can very easily create a new repo on Apache
infrastructure with GitBox to meet those requirments, and  GitBox will
mirror it to GitHub to meet the third requirement.

So questions are:

1) Are there any objections to moving this to Apache infrastructure?

2) Assuming no objections, what should the name of this new repo be? I
was thinking something simple like "daffodil-schema.g8" might be a good
candidate. It's short and easy to remember, and it reads nicely when
considering that the command to use it would look like

  sbt new apache/daffodil-schema.g8

But I'm open to other suggestions.

- Steve


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