As a Scala project, however, how about using Scalafmt? [1] It's become
standard in all the projects I've been involved with; it's supported by the
language creators and matches the previously mentioned features.

.. Adam


On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 8:20 AM Interrante, John A (GE Research, US) <> wrote:

> I agree, an .editorconfig file at the root of daffodil coupled with IDE
> plugins (some IDEs such as IDEA already support .editorconfig without any
> plugin needed) could autoconfigure the following IDE settings automatically
> (if we felt we needed to specify all of these settings):
> root = true
> # All files (risky - could change bin/dat files inadvertently)
> [*]
> end_of_line = lf
> charset = utf-8
> trim_trailing_whitespace = true
> insert_final_newline = true
> indent_style = space
> indent_size = 2
> # Can narrow scope to only source code files
> [*.{java,scala,xml}]
> indent_style = space
> indent_size = 2
> EditorConfig plugins format only newly typed lines with these settings;
> they do not reformat existing files, meaning only files actually changed by
> one's commit will be affected by these settings.  There are separate
> command-line tools that can check, infer, or fix EditorConfig rules across
> one or more directories/files in a repository manually.  I think using one
> of these tools such as eclint would be essential for writing a proper
> .editorconfig that narrows its scope as much as possible (e.g., we don't
> want to change existing bin or dat or tdml files inadvertently when editing
> a single character within them in Emacs or IDEA because many of them use
> other charsets and are not source code).
> There's a nice long list of projects already using EditorConfig with links
> to their .editorconfig files.  We also can look for similar projects to
> Daffodil to see how they scope their .editorconfig rules for their own
> files, but again, using "eclint infer" and "eclint check" seems the safest
> way to me.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beckerle, Mike <>
> Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 9:56 AM
> To:
> Subject: EXT: editconfig
> This is interesting and we should consider adding these files to the root
> of daffodil both as a declaration of the code-style, and a way that
> auto-configures many IDEs and tools (like github).
> This does not appear to be sophisticated enough to really cover code-style
> issues at all, but at least basic whitespace stuff like spaces not tabs,
> 2-space indenting, etc. would be covered.

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