GitHub does automatically create "Releases when we create a new tag.

Is there some API that's not available unless we manually create
releases? Are you looking to have convenience binaries also published to
these release?

What kinds of information are you looking to query from the releases?

I know some projects (including Daffodil) keep an updated "Description
Of A Project" (doap) file, which is parsed by Apache to fill out project
information that can be queried here:

This is our doap file:

And this is the project page that is generated from that file:

That has some basic version and release date information. And as I
mentioned before, it requires that projects keep it up to date. I'm not
sure how many do if you're interested about other projects.

On 6/9/21 12:36 PM, John Wass wrote:
>> the simplest is to ask
> Well the simplest for __me__ is to ask, this will add some overhead to the
> release process for someone.  It looks like some Apache projects do GitHub
> releases, most don't.
> Also looking for an Apache API to query releases and their artifacts.
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 12:13 PM John Wass <> wrote:
>> We have been using the GitHub API to collect (representative) releases of
>> Daffodil during some prototype work.  However when looking at the main
>> Daffodil repo I see there are no releases published there.
>> There are probably some other ways to work around this, but the simplest
>> is to ask if publishing releases to GitHub is something that can be done
>> going forward?

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