So I think our debugger work won't involve direct linking to VSCode, but anyway 
I checked on the licenses.

The source code license for VSCode is the MIT License, which is Category A.  So 
if we found we need to, for example, embed a captive custom version of VSCode, 
we could embed this source. I don't forsee any need for that, but it's nice to 
know it's possible.

The binary license for VSCode is the standard Microsoft Software License, which 
makes it off limits for inclusion. It is not an open-source license.  But...

But, given that VSCode is OSS, there is which is the pure 
OSS version of VSCode under the MIT License. This also doesn't have the 
microsoft-specific telemetry and branding that regular VSCode binary has.

So we're fine with building things for VSCode/Codium as we have ample freedoms 

Mike Beckerle | Principal Engineer


P +1-781-330-0412

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