I'd probably update deps first so we don't get a flood of new dependency PRs to approve.

Also, now that I think about it, dependabot doesn't do sbt dependencies. We need scala-steward for that. Daffodil uses enables dependabot for github-actions and container updates, and scala steward for sbt updated.

On 3/24/22 9:18 PM, Shane Dell wrote:
So with the PR I will need to make to get this fixes going, would you want me 
to just add dependabot? I believe that is an issue but can't remember for sure 
but I can get it hooked up for both scala/sbt and for node/ts/extension.

On 2022/03/25 01:13:07 Steve Lawrence wrote:
I believe the sbt way to override transitive dependencies is with the
dependencyOverrides setting:


While we're at it, we may want to also update all dependencies so
everything is at the latest. Eventually we'll want dependabot to help us
with that and automate it, but the sbt-updates plugin can be used to
manually check for updates:


On 3/24/22 9:02 PM, Shane Dell wrote:
So its an issue com.microsoft.java:com.microsoft.java.debug.core:0.31.1 but 
updating to com.microsoft.java:com.microsoft.java.debug.core:0.35.0, which is 
the latest, it still uses a commons-lang3:3.6. So what do I do for these items 
since updating to the latest version don't fix them?

On 2022/03/25 00:37:40 Steve Lawrence wrote:
The sbt dependency graph plugin might help to show where transitive
dependencies are coming from:


On 3/24/22 8:34 PM, Shane Dell wrote:
I would say it is correct as in the list of jars for log4j-api I am seeing 
2.17.2 which is the version that fixed that CVE issue right? If so we are good 
on that from. I was able to fix the logback errors by updating logback-classic 
from 1.2.3 to 1.2.11. Still trying to figure out log4cat-slf4j as well as core 
because the latest version seems to be 2.2.0 but that still has a CVE. I am 
also working on where commons-lang3-3.6 comes from as it most be a dependency 
of a dependency.

On 2022/03/24 16:17:14 Steve Lawrence wrote:
Interesting. This might be a difference between 3.3.0 and 4.0.0 of the
plugin? I get your list with 4.0.0, and a different list with 3.3.0.

Note that vscode does include log4j-api-2.17.0.jar. The log4j CVE's were
fixed in 2.17.2, so it's a bit concerning that this is only 2.17.0. But
maybe the vulnerability is only in log4j-core, which vscode does not

So maybe this 4.0.0 list is correct, assuming log4j-api doesn't have the

On 3/24/22 11:11 AM, Shane Dell wrote:
I get the vulnerabilities for:

- commons-lang3-3.6.jar
- log4cats-core_2.12-2.2.0.jar
- log4cats-slf4j_2.12-2.2.0.jar
- logback-classic-1.2.3.jar
- logback-core-1.2.3.jar

I don't get anything about log4j-api. And the only onces with a HIGH Severity 
value are the two log4cats items. So is yours picking up cached dependencies or 
ones from other projects not just the vscode repo?

On 2022/03/24 15:05:27 Shane Dell wrote:
So I think the log4j errors you are seeing are coming from a library dependency 
the Scala debugger user, this being `log4cats-slf4j` which only goes to 2.2.0 
put still has two high CVE's, Adam maybe you know if we can switch this 
something else to avoid the vulnerabilities?

On 2022/03/24 14:02:37 Steve Lawrence wrote:
I just used this for the dependency check, that has all the instructions
that are needed:


They say to put that in project/plugins.sbt, but I recommend putting it
in ~/.sbt/1.0/plugins/plugins.sbt, then it's available for any project
you might use (e.g. both daffodil and vscode).

Then just run "sbt dependencyCheckAggregate", and the resulting report
is put in target/scala-2.12/dependency-check-report.html.

I'm not sure I would recommend adding CVE checking to CI because
downloading the CVE database takes a long time, especially the first
time. I might recommend instead just enabling dependabot, that's been
good about keeping Daffodil dependencies up to date.

On 3/24/22 9:45 AM, Shane Dell wrote:
Fixing the CVEs and bumping up to Daffodil 3.3.0 make sense to me. Steve how 
would I setup the dependency check you are doing so I make sure I use versions 
that fix it? Figure it would be good to add that into build.sbt/source so it 
can be ran in CI at some stage as well.

On 2022/03/24 13:42:36 Mike Beckerle wrote:
Since we have to fix the CVE issues, we should also update to Daffodil 3.3.0

On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 9:04 AM Steve Lawrence <slawre...@apache.org> wrote:

I think I've sort of found the issue with the different .class files. If
I disassemble the class files that don't match, they all have diffs that
look like this:

-      21: ldc           #155                // String Uninitialized
field: /home/user/daffodil-vscode/path/to/file.scala: 394
+      21: ldc           #155                // String Uninitialized
field: /root/daffodil-vscode/path/to/file.scala: 394

Note that the uninitialized field path changes depending on the system
that built it. So absolute paths are compiled into the bytecode somehow.
The surrounding byte code suggests that this is about a
scala.UninitializedError exception, my guess is that path shows up in
that exception message.

I'm not sure why we don't see this issue with Daffodil. Maybe Daffodil
does something different so we can't have any UninitializedFieldErrors?
I don't think this needs to be fixed for this released, but I would
prefer it is fixed for next release. I can change that to a [MINOR]

My vote stills stays a -1 for the CVE issues, though.

On 3/24/22 8:44 AM, Steve Lawrence wrote:
-1 (binding)

Main issues is inclusion of packages with open CVE's, I think that
should be fixed for this release.

I'm also concerned about differences I found between the released
daffodil-debugger jar and the same jar I built from source. Class
files inside that jar differ, and it's not clear why.

I checked:

[OK] hashes and signatures of source and helper binares are correct
[OK] signature of git tag is correct
[OK] source release matches git tag
[OK] source compiles using yarn build
[NOT OK] compiled source matches convenience binary
        The org.apache.daffodil.daffodil-debugger-1.0.0.jar packaged in
        daffodil-debugger-3.2.1-1.0.0.zip is different when I build the
        .vsix file from source. Numerous .class files inside that jar have
        different hashes. This is unexpected. We don't have this issue with
        Daffodil, so I'm concerned something with the vscode build system is
[OK] src and binaries include correct LICENSE/NOTICE
[OK] RAT check passes
[OK] no unexpected binaries in source
[OK] vsix installs without error
[NOT OK] No open CVE's found using sbt-dependency-check plugin
        Scan found three packages with open CVES:
        - log4j-api-2.17.0.jar
        - logback-classic-1.2.3.jar
        - logback-core-1.2.3.jar
       We depend on Daffodil 3.2.1 which should pull in log4j 2.17.2 which
       addresses the CVE's. Seems like something is overriding that? Also
       not sure where the logback dependency is pulled in from, but maybe

[MINOR] The "publisher" for the vsix file is "asf". That should
        probably be "Apache Software Foundation" or just "Apache", or maybe
        it should be "Apache Daffodil". We can have this discussion later,
        but this should be fixed for the next release.
[MINOR] The README shows up in VS Code, but is focused on how to build
        the extension. This makes sense for the main github README, but I
        wonder if the README displayed in VS Code wants to be different, and
        focus more on features/usability. We already have a differnt LICENSE
        file, we should do the same for the README?
[MINOR] The LICENSE file has incorrect indentation making it difficult
        to see where one sub component ends and another begins. Would be
        helfup to fix this for the next release. The file bundled in the
        .vsix binary looks good.

On 3/17/22 3:06 PM, Shane Dell wrote:
Hello all,
Ignore the last vote as I did not change my email to the proper one
registered for apache.

I'd like to call a vote to release Apache Daffodil VS Code 1.0.0-rc2.

All distribution packages, including signatures, digests, etc. can be
found at:


This release has been signed with PGP key
86DDE7B41291E380237934F007570D3ADC76D51B, corresponding
to shaned...@apache.org, which is included in the KEYS file here:

The release candidate has been tagged in git with 1.0.0-rc2.

For reference, here is a list of all closed GitHub issues tagged with


Please review and vote. The vote will be open for at least 72 hours
(Sunday, 17 March 2022, 12 Noon EST).

[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)

Thank you,

- Shane Dell

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