These counterexamples are interesting.

For the one with a sequence of optional elements, that suggests to me
perhaps there is a stack of saved errors. Or really we hang them
temporarily on the Infoset data structure.

So the error from the elem2 attempt is kept around until another parse
later in that same sequence, succeeds.  If we're off the rails, then none
of them will succeed, and quite possibly it is the first saved error (from
elem2) in the sequence that matters.

This maybe has something to do with the whole "potentially trailing"
concept in DFDL. We want to keep the errors at least temporarily for
anything that is potentially trailing in a sequence, since that error might
be indicative of why the sequence did NOT parse more content from more
sequence children.

On Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 3:52 PM Steve Lawrence <> wrote:

> That doesn't seem unreasonable to me, but here's some counter examples
> where I think this approach won't help, maybe something to consider:
> 1) Imagine a simple schema that parses a single byte with no point of
> uncertainties, and the input data was two bytes. In this case, there
> will be no parse errors to show the user since everything parsed exactly
> as expected, yet there is still left over data. This change won't help
> this case at all. But this is maybe trivial and pretty unlikely.
> But more generically and maybe more common is using the wrong length for
> a field. This will make things quickly go off the rails, and will not
> generate a parse error related to that length. And if we show any
> following parse errors, they will only be misleading.
> 2) Say we have a schema like this:
>    <element name="elem1" minOccurs="0" />
>    <element name="elem2" minOccurs="0" />
>    ...
>    <element name="elemN" minOccurs="0" />
> And say we fail to parse elem2 because our schema is broken. It's
> optional so we just continue on. And it's likely that everything after
> that is going to fail as well. No big deal, it's all optional. But this
> means we'll have parse errors for every elem after elem2. The one we
> actually care about is waaaay back at the beginning of the parse. But we
> don't know that is where things went off the rails. To make matters
> worse, imagine that elem1 was actually not in the data. So we'd get a
> parse error for every element, and only the one for elem2 is actually
> useful. There's just no way we can know that and suggest it to the user.
> And like the first case, showing additional parse errors might be
> confusing or and misleading. In this case, we'll get a slew of parse
> errors that's going to be overwhelming. And if we show only the few most
> recent errors, the user will focus all their energy looking at why elemN
> or elemN - 1 are failing to parse, when really the issue happened waaaay
> back at elem2.
> I imagine this kind of things would be pretty common for these left over
> data errors. Something fails early on that is the real error, but a
> bunch of optional/PoU things follow it and also fail which leads to left
> over data. And showing one or more parser errors may not help the user
> know which one to focus on, especially since not all parse errors
> signify a problem.
> I wonder if improvements to the VScode debugger would help the most?
> With the issue of left over data, we do get an infoset. If we could
> visually overlay that over the actual data in the debugger it would
> probably make it very clear where things start going wrong focus the
> user to the right part of the schema.
> On 4/14/22 2:27 PM, Mike Beckerle wrote:
> > Please comment on this idea.
> >
> > The problem is that users write a schema, get "left over data" when they
> > test it. The schema works.  The schema is, as far as DFDL and Daffodil is
> > concerned, correct. It just doesn't express what you intended it to
> > express. It IS a correct schema, just not for your intended format.
> >
> >
> > I think Daffodil needs to save the "last failure" purely for the case
> where
> > there is left-over data. Daffodil is happily ending the parse
> successfully
> > but reporting it did not consume all data.
> >
> >
> > In some applications where you are consuming messages from a network
> socket
> > which is a byte stream, this is 100% normal behavior (and no
> left-over-data
> > error would or should be issued.)
> >
> >
> > In tests and anything that is "file format" oriented, left-over data is a
> > real error. So the fact that Daffodil/DFDL says the parse ended normally
> > without error isn't helping.
> >
> >
> > In DFDL, a variable-occurrences array, the number-of-occurrences of which
> > is determined by the data itself, always is ended if a parse fails. So
> long
> > as maxOccurs has not been reached, the parse attempts another array
> > element, and if it fails, it *suppresses that error*, backs up to the end
> > of the prior array element (or start of array if there are no elements at
> > all), and *discards the failure information*, then goes on to parse "the
> > rest of the schema" meaning the stuff after the array.
> >
> >
> > But what if nothing is after the array?
> >
> >
> > The "suppress the error" and "discard the failure" above,.... those are a
> > problem, because if the parse ends with left-over data, those are the
> "last
> > error before the parse ended", and those *may* be relevant to why all the
> > data was not consumed.
> >
> >
> > I think we need to preserve the failure information a bit longer than we
> > are.
> >
> >
> > So with that problem in mind here's a possible mechanism to provide
> better
> > diagnostics.
> >
> >
> > Maybe instead of deleting it outright we put it on a queue of depth N
> > (shallow, like 1 or 2), and as we put more failure info on that queue the
> > failure info it pushes out the other end is discarded, but at end of
> > processing you can look back in the parser state and see what the last N
> > failures were, and hopefully you find there the reason for the last array
> > ending early.?
> >
> >
> > N could be set quite deep for debugging/schema-development, so you can
> look
> > back through it and see the backtracking decisions in reverse
> chronological
> > order as far as you need.
> >
> >
> > Comments? Variants? Alternatives?
> >

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