> Instead of feeding the new resource path (e.g. /d1/quux.dfdl.xsd) into
> getResource, can you strip off everything after the exclamation in the
> original jar path, append that new resource path, and use that as the
> new URI? This way there is no resource look up at all for relative paths.
> This operation: append the modified resource path to the existing base
jar-file URI/URL string, then try to make a URI or URL is exactly what they
no longer allow.

You cannot construct a non-hierarchical URI, nor do any operations other
than openStream on it. The only way you get one (for a class path Jar file)
is via getResource() at least AFAICT.

We'll see if my stack-overflow complaint about this gets any traction.
Perhaps there is an obscure way to achieve this, but I think this change to
make jar file URLs completely opaque was intentional, albeit with
unexpected consequences.

> On 2023-09-25 12:13 PM, Mike Beckerle wrote:
> > As of Java 20, the constructors for Java.net.URL have all been
> deprecated.
> >
> > This has some implications for us. The matter is rather subtle, so bear
> > with me.
> >
> > We use URL constructors so that a non-hierarchical URL, such as
> > jar:file:/foo.jar!/d1/d2/baz.dfdl.xsd can resolve a relative path such as
> > "../quux.dfdl.xsd" coming from an include/import statement, and the
> result
> > is jar:file:/foo.jar!/d1/quux.dfdl.xsd.
> >
> > In Daffodil that means the relative search for this quux file does NOT go
> > back to the classpath, but will search for quux.dfdl.xsd at a specific
> > location in THE SAME EXACT JAR FILE that the baz.dfdl.xsd was found in.
> >
> > For some reason having to do with some Internet RFC about
> non-hierarchical
> > URIs having to be opaque, the URL constructors were all deprecated.
> >
> > I see no replacement available for this functionality. I found no advice
> > other than "don't use URLs, use URIs" online, but non-hierarchical URIs
> do
> > not support resolving.
> >
> > This means the only way to get a jar file URL is to go "back to the
> well",
> > i.e., call getResource() again which searches the class path.
> >
> > So, continuing our example, some call to getResource() created our
> original
> > non-hierarchical URI, jar:file:/foo.jar!/d1/d2/baz.dfdl.xsd, by searching
> > the class path.
> >
> > Since they don't allow operations on jar:file:... URIs/URLs at all, you
> > have to split the string representation at the "!" point (by recognizing
> > the scheme is "jar", hence you know a "!" will be there). That gives you
> > the /d1/d2/baz.dfdl.xsd separately, which you can convert to a URI, then
> > resolve against the "../quux.dfdl.xsd" to get "/d1/quux.dfdl.xsd"
> >
> > That string must then be fed back to getResource("/d1/quux.dfdl.xd") to
> get
> > the jar file URL that can actually be opened.
> >
> > But, this has a different meaning. The jar file containing the
> > quux.dfdl.xsd file does NOT have to be the same one where baz.dfdl.xsd
> > originally was found. A different jar file earlier on the class path, can
> > contain the quux.dfdl.xsd file, and effectively overrides the one in the
> > original jar.
> >
> > There is an analogy here to object oriented programming. If you can
> require
> > "quux.dfdl.xsd" to be in the same exact jar file, that's analogous to a
> > final method. It will be used from the original jar file. No other jar
> file
> > can override this.
> >
> > If "quux.dfdl.xsd" can come from any jar on the classpath, that's like
> just
> > a non-final public method. Other things on the classpath can override it.
> >
> > Right now, from the research I have done, I know of no way to achieve the
> > "exact same jar file" behavior in Java 20+. They've basically made it
> > impossible, save implementing the entirety of java.net over again.
> >
> > My stack-overflow question is here:
> >
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77174224/no-replacement-for-url-2-arg-constructor-non-hierarchical-jar-url-operations-in
> >
> > As you can imagine, this is a hard topic to do a precise web search on,
> and
> > ChatGPT4 has been useless regarding this also (Java 20 is too new for it)
> > in terms of finding anything useful online that addresses this.
> >
> > Mike Beckerle
> > Apache Daffodil PMC | daffodil.apache.org
> > OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair |
> www.ogf.org/ogf/doku.php/standards/dfdl/dfdl
> > Owl Cyber Defense | www.owlcyberdefense.com
> >

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