Why oh why did we ever do this?

Is anyone very attached to this dangling comma stuff in our current
scalafmt rules?

I am at this point, vehemently opposed to this code style, and very much
want us to switch back to not allowing dangling commas.

I've spent hundreds of hours now working this code base with this scalafmt
convention, and I have never gotten used to it. I continue to be slowed
down by this style, which makes it hard to read the code quickly.
I also find it unaesthetic and frankly just annoying. One of the things I
like about Scala is not having excess punctuation like Java's semicolons at
the end of every statement.
The cleaner, simpler Scala syntax is very nice. Why would we ugly it up
with trailing commas? To me if you're going to do that one might as well go
back to coding in Java.

?Punctuation, characters need. to be used; (correctly or it is, ) simply
annoying as hell

Unless someone has a very very good reason why this should not change, I'm
very inclined to go back to scalafmt trailingCommas = never behavior.


Mike Beckerle
Apache Daffodil PMC | daffodil.apache.org
OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | www.ogf.org/ogf/doku.php/standards/dfdl/dfdl
Owl Cyber Defense | www.owlcyberdefense.com

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