Separate from the pull request review, I want to discuss whether these
layer changes, which are really a more or less rewrite of the system go

* in 3.7.0,
* delay them to 4.0.0

or come up with some co-existence strategy so they can be added to 3.7.0
without displacing the existing stuff.

I thought about trying to recast the existing layer stuff in terms of the
new stuff, and it's hard work. Functional equivalence, bug for bug, would
be impossible.

Another possible trick is to just add the new stuff... using new package
names, and separate grammar classes, parser, unparser, etc. In theory the
two implementations, old and this new one, could co-exist for a release.

Another thought is to just punt on 3.7.0, and renumber so our next release
is 4.0.0, where we're allowed more to break things and not be backward

Thoughts on this?

Mike Beckerle
Apache Daffodil PMC |
OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair |
Owl Cyber Defense |

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