[Possible duplicate: after 5 hours I didn't see it on gmane]

Hi Marc, sorry to answer late: having received a private message from
Lawrence (I'm not subscribed to dva) I didn't look before at
gmane...dba.devel, wherefrom I'm writing now :-).

* Marc Santhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <
> [2005-03-11]:
>  Am Fr, den 11.03.2005 schrieb Ennio-Sr um 03:18:
> > Hi all!
> > [using GNU/Linux Debian/Sarge k 2.4.27 and either OOo-1.1.4 or 1.9.79]
> > 
> > I'm unable to access my postgresql databases via the ODBC driver:
> > has any of you achieved this goal and can he suggest some hints?
> > I followed the indications in /usr/share/doc/odbcinst1 and many other
> > [...cut...]
>  Try "isql" from the ODBC-package and see if it can connect. If not,
>  check your odbc configuration.
>  If that works and your psql server is not local but on the net, check if
>  the psql configuration on the server machine has network connections set
>  to "on" (AFAIR psql has a switch, look at it's docs).
>  If odbc with psql works, try with OOo again. Maybe the db user rights
>  need some tweaking to get full access.

My first attempt with isql was not successful. May be I must clear some
configuration mess: I first tried the 'native' driver (installed
via apt-get from Debian site) and then - having read  somewere it was
advisable to use unixODBC - I tried it without removing native driver.

BTW, I can connect to my pg-databse with pgaccess and it works very
well: I was unable to find, however, if this has anything to do with

Let me chase this opportunity to thank all other people contributing to
this thread: I learned a lot reading their posts!

Thanks again to all of you.

[Perche' usare Win$ozz (dico io) se ..."anche uno sciocco sa farlo.    \\?//
 Fa' qualche cosa di cui non sei capace!"   (diceva Henry Miller) ]    (°|°)
 Ennio. (Please change . for .dot. and @ for .at. in my Reply-To)       )=(

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