Hi Joerg,
I apologize for messing up the mailing of my last message: I'm getting
your answers from gmane, forwarding them to my e-mail, editing, etc.
[I send a 'subscribe-me' mail a few hours ago but got no answer ;( ]

* Joerg Budischewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [190305, 21:21]:
> Hi,
> >>is your server configured to serve tcp/ip requests (-i option) ? If not, 
> >>  try leaving away the "host=local" phrase, the driver will then use 
> >>unix domain sockets.
> > OK, I commented out the tcp/ip option in hba.conf, left away all that
> > follows the "sdbc:postgres:" string but the result is always the same.
> no, I meant it the other way round.
OK, set back tcp/ip option: no change in the error message. I'm under
the impression there is no communication whatsoever with postgresql: no
trace in the log files, either /var/log/postgr*/postgres.log or
~OOo.1.1.4/program/sdbc-pgsql.log [I did change the *unorc file from
'NONE' to INFO or SQL]

> In OOo, on the General tab of the Data source administration dialog, try 
> the simplest way of connecting to postgresql by simply using
> sdbc:postgresql:
> (this part is even readonly, you should not be able to modify it).

That's exactly what I did ...

> For this connection attempt, you must see an reaction in the server log. 
> (something like 'database ennio does not exist'). If this is not the 
> case, then there is a more fundamental problem. Which version of 
> postgresql-server are you using ? 

Using postgresql 7.4.7-2 under Linux-Debian/Sarge and I followed exactly
all the installation instructions for postgresql-sdbc-0.6.2.zip as can
be read on the dba site.

> hat does a> 
> netstat -a  | grep PGSQL
This yealds nothing ;(

> give you (it should show something like
> unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     14446  /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432
> ).

I'm starting the postgresql with the (console) command:
# /etc/init.d/postgresql start

> To connect to the mydb database, a
> sdbc:postgresql:dbname=mydb
> should work.
It doesn't ;(

What bewilders me is:
1. I can connect from user console with '$ psql mydb'
2. I can access my databases from an xterm with pgaccess [*]
3. The logs are silent about the sdbc attempt to connect.

I feel somewhat embarrassed for fear of being wasting your time for some
stupid minimal particular I might have forgotten which I should
'obviously' have known! [i.e. do I need an extra API?, shall I learn how
to use pgsql-table?].


[*] On the PostgreSQL Access window I can see the main dir shown as
'local (sockets)' under which all db are displayed. Everything works
fine, however I captured the following messages in the relative xterm
which may hopefully throw some light on what is happening:

Quote: --------------------------

Parsing the command line parameters:

Loading the enviroment variables:
        PGACCESS_HOME: /usr/share/pgaccess
        PGLIB: /usr/lib/postgresql

Loading the /home/ennio/.pgaccess/pgaccess.cfg config file:

Setting the default values:
        PgAcVar(mwcount): 0
        PgAcVar(PGACCESS_NOAUTO): 0
        PgAcVar(currentdb,pgport): 5432
        PgAcVar(PGACCESS_LOGIN): 0
        PgAcVar(opendb,host): localhost
        PgAcVar(tablist): Tables Queries Views Sequences Functions Reports 
Graphs Forms Scripts Images Usergroups Diagrams
        PgAcVar(PGACCESS_HIDDEN): 0
        PgAcVar(opendb,pgport): 5432
        PgAcVar(PGACCESS_SMLOGIN): 0

Loading namespaces: mainlib stack syntax database debug tables queries visualqb 
forms views functions reports scripts usergroups sequences diagrams help 
preferences printer importexport connections graphs pgackages images

Loading plugins: pgmonitor pgin-(NOT LOADED)

Loading the required packages:
        tablelist: 2.7
        BWidget: 1.4.1
        icons: 1.0
        base64: 2.3
        csv: 0.5.1
        fileutil: 1.6.1
        tkwizard: 1.0

RES: pgsql8.0
RES: pgsql9.0

ERROR: There seems to be a problem with your connections file.
A host/db combination should be unique and the db should not be empty string
Check host/db:  sockets/biblio with ids: 7 4
Try removing the ~/.pgaccess/connections file
Skipping this host/db combination

RES: pgsql10.0
RES: pgsql11.0
RES: pgsql12.0
RES: pgsql13.0

Unquote ---------------------------------

Thanks for your time,

[Perche' usare Win$ozz (dico io) se ..."anche uno sciocco sa farlo.   \\?//
 Fa' qualche cosa di cui non sei capace!"  (diceva Henry Miller) ]    (°|°)
[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.              )=(
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say) ]

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