On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 09:24 +0200, Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems
Germany wrote:
> Hi John,
> >>It seems like Sun is wanting to use Derby as the DB engine for future
> >>Java products. I just wanted to bring it up in case of there is any
> >>change in tack from Sun management/engineer for the embedded java DB
> >>that OOo has in v2.
> > 
> > Folks - any comment please?
> OpenOffice.org's database engine is HSQLDB. The fact that OpenOffice.org
> is sponsored in large parts by Sun Microsystems doesn't mean that we now
> will switch to Derby. Honestly, I think we need to be *reliable* for our
> users, and changing a database engine with every few releases is
> something I wouldn't call "reliable". So, as much as I, as a Sun
> employee, consider this unfortunate to some extent (maybe if we would
> have known much earlier, the decision for our database engine would have
> been different - I don't know, I don't have solid opinion on Derby,
> yet), I don't see an immediate influence on OpenOffice.org Base.
> On the medium term, I could imagine that OpenOffice.org will improve on
> it's collaboration with Derby. On the long term, I could even imagine
> that OpenOffice.org could ship with Derby, or something like that.
> However, that's reading tea leaves.
> With OpenOffice.org 2.0 we decided to integrate HSQLDB, and I'm in *no*
> way eager to drop this and start from scratch with Derby.
> OpenOffice.org's database engine is HSQLDB, and will continue to be.
> Perhaps not for ever (I'm neither a politician nor an attorney, so you
> will never hear me saying "never" :), but assumedly for a time which
> allows you, the users, to be *reliant* on the product.
> Ciao
> Frank

Frank - thanks for that - it's good to have on file.


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