On Saturday 25 February 2006 01:23, you wrote:
> Some of this may be better put in an issue report, but ...
> This is not such a petty thing - all the icons seem to have changed from
> what they were in v2.0.1. Is this simply an aesthetic change, or was
> there a serious problem with the previous icons? Just wondering why it's
> worth confusing users at a micro version change - usually these thing
> change only at major version increments. It also affects work on the
> documentation projects. Luckily the OOo2 user guide hasn't quite got as
> far as updating images yet - but it's very close - I believe GRS want's
> to link the icon images, but then there are the screenshot images to
> cope with.
> It may be a matter of getting used to them, but I thought the previous
> icons more clearly conveyed what they represent. I know there have been
> a (very) few adverse comments in the user lists about the previous
> icons, but many of the new icons are unidentifiable even when you know
> what they represent.

This puzzled me as well, but a google search came up with this reference:


In short, Tools - Options - Openoffice.org - View , and set icon size etc back 
to default.





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