I am using Base (OOo 2.0.2) as a front end for PostgreSQL 8.1.3.
I am trying out the SDBC driver 0.7.0.

Two somewhat related queries:

1. In my database, I defined a number of domains.  Those domains are basically all constrained versions of one of:  int2, bpchar(1) or bpchar(2).  Unfortunately, it seems that, through OOoBase's SDBC driver, I cannot access (neither read nor write) the corresponding columns.  (I have no problem with the JDBC driver;  or rather, I have different problems with the JDBC driver...)

Is that behaviour expected, in the current version of the driver?  If so, are there plans to add the functionality, and if not, is there a workaround?  (There is one obvious workaround:  redefine my domain columns as int2 and so on, and then add column constraints in each case...  That would probably do the job, but it's rather ugly...)

2. Are there plans for eventually supporting composite types?

(BTW, the SDBC driver is blazingly fast compared to the JDBC one!  Brilliant!)

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