On Tuesday 21 August 2007 22:57:01 Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany 

Hi Frank,

> What I suppose the submitter of the issue ran into (unfortunately his
> description wasn't clear here) is a NOT NULL field with a server-side
> default - in this case, OOo wants to force him to enter a value,
> nonetheless.

Possibly getting off topic here, so I'll tread carefully :

Aha, so this is a problem with OOo, and one I might add, that has been around 
ever since I first started using OOo with mysql (about 6 years ago, now), in 
other words, ages :-( although I can't recall ever having seen this listed as 
an Issue :-) 

I've always found this behaviour extremely annoying, particularly with date 
and/or timestamp fields, since (1) it forces the user to enter data that 
shouldn't in fact be necessary (even if it is just a "space"), (2) forces the 
db developer into making a workaround to correct the wrongly entered data 
string and (3) makes it obligatory to display the field in an editable state 
on the form (which shouldn't actually be required at all). In some instances, 
this is possible with an SQL command in the table/field creation statement, 
in others, it requires macro trickery to catch the update of the bound field, 
which rather defeats the purpose of having NOT NULL DEFAULT values 
defined ;-)


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